

Smart meter resisters cuffed at home

Do these people look like criminals?

The two ladies on the left were arrested in their own homes yesterday, for refusing to accept the installation of a new “smart meter” – a device which remotely reads your meter, and also tells the Utility company what appliances you are running and how often you switch them on. Its tantamount to a spy-in-the-home and we at forecast this scenario almost a year ago

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India shivers as grid crashes

Lucknow, India: The State of Uttar Pradesh is shivering and in darkness with six power plants tripping in succession hours after a sharp rise in electricity demand due to the unusually harsh winter.

Power demand rose to a level not seen since May 2011 level when the problems was peak heat in the summer. The overall power outages were more than 2,500MW.

This spells trouble for the ruling Samajwadi Party saddled with an election promise of providing free power to the rural areas and initiating measures to improve the power distribution network. Perhaps they should have considered wind and hydro for the winter months.

Electricity bosses said said the availability of coal has been one of the limiting factors behind the recent power shortage. They said the state government is in the process of initiating a project of purchasing power under a scheme called as Case-1 bidding.
The scheme would see power utility purchasing of around 6000MW from different sources for 25 years beginning 2016. But the process is in the evaluation stage.…

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Death by Grid

It should be called the Dumb Grid.

Remember the General Electric TV advertisement from the 2009 SuperBowl? It showed a scarecrow dancing from line to line on Power Towers without getting scorched? Don’t try it at home. This guy did.…

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Gridlock on the Grid

People wonder why the power grid goes down, causing massive outages with tens of millions of homes cut off.

Is it the antiquated generating systems, or the inadequate transmission systems? No to both of those.

Its the trading in energy that is causing gridlock on the grid. Huge amounts of futures contracts cause energy to be switched this way and that, not because it is needed by consumers, but because it is being bought and sold many times over.

As I explain in my book Off the Grid: Inside the Movement for More Space, Less Government, and True Independence in Modern America like any gridlock, the problem is too much traffic. The power industry lobbyists have been contemptuous of my arguments ever since the book was published, refusing to debate the accusations in public, and warning that if they withdraw from the market, the consumer will suffer. Ever since Enron, the US Grid has been hijacked by the banks and big money. Now their lobbyists are fighting hard for the Smart Grid which will cement into place this conspiracy against the interests of ordinary consumers.Also, by the way, against the interests of many corporate customers, although not the biggest users who cut their own sweetheart deals.…

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Nipton – self-powered town in California

One of the world’s biggest solar power collectors is being built next to the tiny town of Nipton, Calif., which is ironic because Nipton is the closet thing to an off-grid town – with 85 per cent of its energy coming from a set of solar panels installed by one of its 60 residents.
Gerald Freeman unlocks the gate to the small power plant and goes inside. Three rows of solar collectors, elevated on troughs that track the sun’s arc like sunflowers, afford a glimpse of California’s possible energy future.
This facility and a smaller version across the road produce almost all of the power required by Nipton’s 60 residents, its general store and motel.
Freeman, a Caltech-trained geologist and one-time gold mine owner, understood when he bought this former ghost town near the Nevada border that being off the grid didn’t have to mean going without power.
He contracted with a Bay Area company to install solar arrays on two plots of land. The town has a 20-year agreement to buy its power at a below-market rate.…

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Hot water with rocket stove

A simple way to fill a tank with hot water without using electricity or gas. Just take some solid fuel, a Rocket Stove and copper tube coil.

Rocket stoves are one of the most efficient, clean and simple ways to get heat from burning wood. Many people now cook with rocket stoves and heat their houses with rocket mass heaters

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RAM pumps move water without fuel

RAM pumps can move water from a lower point to a higher point by using the energy from a water sources like a stream or river. They work 24 hours a day with no fuel or electricity and super low maintenance.

In this series of videos, learn the basics for calculating the size of a RAM pump installation depending on your water needs. Leanr also, how to make a RAM pump installations.…

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A million solar homes in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries on earth, a renewable energy company is busy installing nearly 1,000 solar home systems each day.

In November 2012 Grameen Shakti hit 1 Million Solar Home Systems (SHS) installed. The company’s milestone reinforces a lesson that is increasingly clear. Whether it’s Germany, the US, or evenChina distributed solar installations are driving the solar revolution.…

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Residential fuel cells in Japan

TOKYO 14 Dec (Nikkei)–JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp. will create a new electricity supply system that does not rely on conventional electric utilities, aiming for commercialization by fiscal 2014, The Nikkei has reported.

Japan’s largest oil wholesaler plans to install rooftop solar panels and gas-powered fuel cells to supply electricity to condominium units. The system is estimated to provide 80-90% of the electricity the units need.

The rest will be supplied by JX Nippon Oil subsidiary Kawasaki Natural Gas Generation Co., which has a generating capacity of 847,000kw and produces high-voltage electricity for corporate users. Electricity generated by the subsidiary will be sold to households for 5-10% less than major power companies charge, with JX Nippon Oil acting as a seller or PPS (power producer and supplier).…

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In the future we will drive to the store to buy electricity

The Chevy Volt is showing the way forward for some off-grid families. Where one of the household commutes to work, they might charge their hybrid/electric car during the day, and then drive home with a full battery ready to power the home.

But as this ad from the early 1900s reminds us, it s actually a case of Back to the future — the earliest electric cars were pioneered a century ago and battery technology has scarcely advanced since then. GM say a Chevy battery can power a households for just TWO hours (see below). In fact it could power a household for up to a day with intelligent use of energy and a small solar panel to top it up.

The battery is the most expensive part of an electric vehicle, and once an “EV battery has reached the end of its life in an automotive application, only 30 percent or less of its life has been used,” said Pablo Valencia, GM senior manager of battery lifecycle management.…

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Banks and Utilities manipulating energy prices

Britain’s top energy companies have been accused of fiddling the price of gas and electricity. Hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake. The UK Government is looking into it.

But has the same thing been happening in America?

British bank Barclays Barclays has been fined $470m by US regulators for manipulating the American electricity market.
The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has provisionally fined the bank $435m and ordered it to repay $34.9m in “unjust profit.”…

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