
Aussie power bills hurting families

VICTORIA STATE – AUSTRALIA – The average annual electricity bill in the Shepparton region is $2638 compared to the state average of $2210.57 and national average of a swinging $2522.96.

On a local Facebook page, the talk was all about the power bills:

● Tracey said: It’s killing us, $800 to $1000 a quarter. I feel sorry for the old folks who get pensions.

● Jody said: I’m very concerned, especially for the elderly, people with disabilities and newborn babies that need electricity, that their care or lives may suffer for this. Everyone will struggle, but those more vulnerable even more so. Winter concessions I’m not sure will increase, but it won’t be enough. Those who require electricity for machines, respiratory and medical equipment also have to endure high cost that may be potentially life threatening and at a cost of personal and family hardship. But doesn’t matter as long as government and private enterprises get their money, who cares?

● Rachel said: I pay $140 a fortnight and that doesn’t cover all my bill.…

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Power being decentralised in Germany

Perhaps its because of the political structure, with powerful local government, but Germany’s centralised energy system is dissolving.
Germany’s power companies are closing power plants and scrapping plans for new ones. The nation had a freak-out after the Fukushima disaster and decided to abolish nuclear power by 2023. Meanwhile, energy prices continue to sink, and solar installation continues to grow. By decentralizing power generation, the renewables boom could do to the power industry what the internet did to the media: put power in the hands of the little guy, and force power companies to rethink how they do business.
As soon as the sun comes out, that is.…

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Eco village to run on dog waste

An eco village where canine excrement is converted to power and heat is to go before planners in Leicestershire,UK.

An outline application for the 49-home village off the A607 at Kirby Bellars has been submitted to Melton Borough Council. The plans include an anaerobic digester which converts waste into electricity.

According to the local landowner behind the scheme, it would involve taking waste from the nearby Defence Animal Centre in Melton, which is home to up to 300 military horses and 200 dogs.

The publicly funded animal center currently spends thousands of pounds each month transporting dog and horse droppings to Norwich, 114 miles away.…

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Freezer-fridge conversion update

Had to clean out my fridge today, while that’s not such a big deal to most, to me it’s (almost) a pleasure to do because of the kind of fridge I have. Living off-grid, using solar panels and batteries, on limited power, one looks for ways to use as little power as possible, one of the things I found that really ate up my power was my little, tiny dorm sized cube refrigerator, the kind that opened in front, had a tiny tiny tiny freezer, in fact I couldn’t even put a full size ice tray inside it, they make micro-ice cube trays.

Most of the time I didn’t even plug in that cube fridge, we just learned to live without refrigeration for the most part, honestly it just sucked up too much precious photon juice from my system. So on the odd occasion when I brought home a gallon of milk, or some meat that didn’t get used up quickly, I would plug in the darned thing and wonder how much time it was taking from my surfing the internet…

With the cube fridge, it ran 15+ minutes at a time, a couple of times an hour, more if I actually opened the door, think about it, when you open the door on a standard fridge, all the cold air drops out of the box onto your feet, feels good for the moment but the compressor kicks in immediately to compensate for all that lost cold air.

I’ll not go into detail about this because I’ve written about it (in detail) in previous posts here… this is really just a follow up on how well I like (love) my chest freezer-fridge conversion. :)…

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Ted Turner goes off-grid

Ted Turner’s hunting and fishing resort, Vermejo Park Ranch, has installed a new $1 million solar system that will take the lodge off the power grid.

Turner, the 239th richest man in the US with a fortune of $2bn bought the 578,000 acre ranch in New Mexico in 1996. It stretches into Colorado and reportedly is one of the largest privately owned ranches in the country.

In 2007 Turner partnered with New Jersey-based Dome Tech Solar to create DT Solar, a renewable energy company focusing on solar power.…

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NSA snooping on our power bills

The NSA “almost certainly” uses Utility company records to routinely snoop on American citizens says an expert in the IT systems of Power and Water companies.

““If the NSA are scraping data from Facebook and Google searches, then they would almost certainly be interested in the data that smart meters can provide them,” said Stuart Ravens, Principal Analyst of Utilities Technology at Ovum a respected international firm of analysts.

“There are tens of millions of smart meters already installed,” said Ravens. But they are still a minority of America’s 140 million households. Now he fears, consumer opposition to smart meters will skyrocket – and quite justifiably so.

“The (electricity) industry so far has done a fairly good job of reassuring customers their data is secure,” said Ravens. But security is an issue in the public mind. “The Prism project, the NSA has destroyed the trust citizens have in government agencies – and in smart meters,…

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A Liter of light

MANILA, Philippines – A hole-in-the-wall establishment in coastal Dumaguete City has a new come-on for its local and foreign tourist-diners, aside from food and brightly colored seats.

“You wanna take a look?” goes Mifune Japanese Restaurant’s teaser on its website. “Feel free to ask our waitresses to have a look in our back kitchen! Picture-taking is allowed. School classes, students, (and) researchers are welcome…. ”

The attraction? Three 1.5-liter plastic soft-drink bottles, filled with water and a little bleach, poke out of the restaurant’s back kitchen roof, illuminating the whole room without using electricity from morning till sundown.

The not-so-secret ingredient: The upper-half part of each plastic bottle juts out above the restaurant’s metal roof and catches sun light; the water’s refractive property then disperses the light 360 degrees inside the restaurant’s back kitchen,…

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Power decentralised in Germany

Perhaps its because of the political structure, with powerful local government, but Germany’d centralised energy system is quickly dissolving.

Germany’s power companies are closing power plants and scrapping plans for new ones. The nation had a freak-out after the Fukushima disaster and decided to abolish nuclear power by 2023. Meanwhile, energy prices continue to sink, and solar installation continues to grow. By decentralizing power generation, the renewables boom could do to the power industry what the internet did to the media: put power in the hands of the little guy, and force power companies to rethink how they do business.
As soon as the sun comes out, that is.…

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Tesla supercharger network

elon-muskHelp may be at hand for off-gridders who want to see an alternative to the power grid. It is provided by Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, who is no fan of off-grid living as far as we are aware, but his needs happen to coincide with those who live outside the power Utility networks.

“Tesla needed to solve the problem of long-distance travel and we can’t wait for others to agree with our strategy,” says Musk. “If we wait for some sort of consensus, it’s going to take too long. We just need to get going and other manufacturers can either copy us or join us.”

Musk, founder of PayPal, and owner of SpaceX, isn’t a guy to wait around and hope technology adapts to his product. No, Musk would rather adapt and invent technology to support his product.…

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Australian off-grid movement gets a new leader

Tosh Szatow has been campaigning for years in Australia to build systems that can scale and make sustainable living possible.

Tosh recently joined the Cape Paterson Eco-village, near Phillip Island in Victoria, attracted by the holistic approach to sustainability adopted by developers Brendan Condon and Mike O’Mullane.

He said the project aimed to find ways to make clean energy more affordable than the alternative and his hope was that it would “catalyse innovation across the property sector.”

Key features will include large scale revegetation of natural habitat, re-establishing wetlands, new walking and cycling tracks, high performance housing, on site power generation, electric vehicles, community gardens and community workspaces. “Somewhere amongst the site will be 220 residential lots.”

Tosh’s recent report by the “Department of Energy Transition, Efficiency and Enoughness” shows a dramatic shift to localised, renewable energy production, made possible by radical improvements in efficiency. One in every three Australian households supplies its own electricity – whether individually, in clusters or small communities.…

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First Algae-powered building goes up in Hamburg reports on a completely self-sufficient apartment building revealed at the International Housing Exhibition in Hamburg, which produces renewable energy by harvesting micro-algae.

The 15-apartment block has 129 algae filled tanks hanging over the exterior of the south-east and south-west sides of the building— powered exclusively by algae.

The fast-growing algae not only create biofuel, they also produce heat, shade the building, and abate street noise. The algae were retrieved from the nearby Elbe river, and put into large thin rectangular clear cases. Inside, the algae live in a water solution and are provided nutrients and carbon dioxide by an automated system. Each tank was then affixed to the outside walls of the building onto scaffolding that allows for turning the tanks towards the sun—similar to technology used for solar collectors.

In ten years, everyone will be doing it.…

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