
Tata gets ready to launch waste-to-power

Giant Indian company Tata is developing an engine that will convert waste to electricity in predominantly rural areas, providing a cheaper substitute to diesel and kerosene used in homes and farms.

The firm is working on the so-called gasifier engine to convert farm and food waste into gas-based power and supply it to off-grid applications with the help of local grid networks, said executives from Tata Power Co. Ltd and Tata Motors Ltd — both Tata group companies.

“We are in early stages of this study, as joint teams have identified various work streams and milestones for the project with regular evaluations at the apex levels,”…

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Energy from neighbors, not utilities

A new study reported by Northwest Public Radio has found a growing trend for small wind turbines in the USA. These are mostly single turbines in people’s backyards, on farms, or supplementing power for businesses.

Meanwhile in China, Xinhua reported yesterday that the government is forcing power companies to provide consultancy and acceptance for individuals setting up small wind turbines and help connect them to the grid.…

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Wind farm protesters are selfish but the turbines are bad

Wind farms are damaging our energy future

The growth of Renewable Energy could usher in a future where our energy is produced at the same place where it is consumed – and power is literally returned to the people.

But well-intentioned government subsidies in the USA and the UK are threatening to turn the wind industry businesses into subsidy junkies, churning out energy for the good of the large utilities instead of benefiting the end users or the environment.

All over America and Britain, regional grid operator are ordering wind farms to reduce output or stop running — a process called curtailment. Letting them all operate at certain times could overload the grid and jeopardize reliable service.

What is worse – the grid operators are PAYING the wind farms each time they are ordered to reduce their output,
Britain’s National Grid has paid out over $50 MILLION in the past year according to industry analysts at the Renewable Energy Foundation (REF).
The problem could get worse in the future, according to the grid operators, if many more wind projects go on line, as planned.
Wind companies knew about these constraints when they built the plants. But utility rules meant to encourage renewable energy let them install feeder lines that meet only minimum standards.
Upgrading transmission lines will take money, and that will come from ratepayers. It’s too soon to say how much the upgrades would cost.
But the investors in wind farms still make money, even if the power isn’t sold on the grid, because of how these projects are financed and the rates companies have negotiated for their energy.…

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Vermont Utility tries to bill for off-grid power

Letter to Vermon Times-Argus exposes grasping power Utility

“It really never ceases to amaze me what corporate America will try to do.

Idaho Public Utilities Commission recently rejected a proposal to raise monthly fees paid by homeowners who install solar panels.

That was after a June 26 decision by Louisiana Public Service Commission to maintain payment rates that utilities must make to solar-system owners for electricity. The commission voted 3-2 against a proposed fee increase supported by Entergy Corp.

It seems that Entergy and Idaho Power feel that solar-powered homes are not paying their fair share of costs to maintain power lines and respond to outages since they often have lower monthly electric bills. It seems they believe the lost revenue resulting from net metering can cut into utility profits.…

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New gizmo lets grid-connected renewables keep working during outages

Imagine you are completely self-sufficient for energy yet still connected to the grid. Here at we call that state being “off-grid ready” because you could go completely off the grid if you wanted, but you prefer to sell your surplus back to the grid. So you stay connected.

Now suppose there is a blackout or a brownout. Guess what? Your power goes down too. Turns out you are not off-grid ready – due to an arcane set of rules brought in to protect the interests of the power companies, the moment there is a power outage in the system, all home power generators are turned off as well. The power may be sitting there in the batteries but it cannot be used.

Until now.…

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Softbank and Bloom Energy fuel cells

Softbank, Bloom Energy take Off-Grid to Corporate Japan

TOKYO (Nikkei)–Softbank Corp. (9984) will team up with a U.S. fuel cell developer to provide the off-grid power source to corporate clients in Japan, company sources said Wednesday.

A 50-50 joint venture set up by Softbank and Bloom Energy Corp. will launch the business as early as this fall, targeting firms, hospitals and public facilities looking to diversify power supplies as part of their disaster preparedness plans.…

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Off-gridders to get government subsidy

UK householders could get hundreds of pounds a year for heating their homes from renewable technologies, the Government said today.

The payments under the renewable heat incentive are designed to drive forward the uptake of the clean technologies for heating rooms and water, particularly in off-grid houses which often rely on  wood fires and polluting oil boilers.

Levels of subsidies have been unveiled for homes which install solar thermal panels, biomass boilers which burn wood or plant material instead of gas or oil, and heat pumps which generate heat from the outside air or ground.

The Government hopes the technologies will help cut carbon emissions from homes and save money on bills. More than two-fifths of UK greenhouse gases come from powering and heating buildings.…

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Smart Meter Martyr

Nevada Energy ups prices and bullies customers

CARSON CITY — NV Energy is divesting from coal and investing in natural gas and renewable energy. The announcement spurred fear of price raises. Nevadans already pay nearly the highest power rates in the Mountain West region. The $104.10 average monthly bill comes in second only to Arizona, where residents pay an average of $118.62 per month. So what’s driving energy costs in this state?

Nevada ranks 41st in the nation in energy usage but has the 18th highest energy rate in the nation. Now it is introducing Smart meters. Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy. On the ground, however, the reality is a little different.

Mona Orkoulas lives in the mountains outside Las Vegas, Nevada, where she works in real estate. Like many Americans she has been impacted by the downturn in the economy and is struggling to make ends meet. She has always paid her bills on time, and makes protecting her health a priority.…

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New Storage Inverters for US Military Micro-Grid Demo

Sustainable Energy Technologies, a manufacturer of intelligent power electronics for decentralized generation and storage systems, reported that a contractor has selected the Company’s Bidirex energy storage inverter for a US Army contract to demonstrate a new Intelligent Scalable Micro-Grid solution.

First deliveries are planned for this month. The Company noted that the identity of the contractor is not disclosed due to confidentiality obligations and for competitive reasons.…

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Microgrids booming as Grid crumbles

Microgrids, Alternative energy, local energy, renewable energy, energy storageWelcome to the Age of the Microgrid – islands of power and self-sufficiency.

What is a microgrid? In simple terms, it is a local network of diverse power sources, featuring a mixture of renewable energy, fossil fuels and batteries that can operate as a unified system for a relatively small network of consumers. they mitt be the only power in a community, but more likely they are running in parallel with the Grid, bestowing resilience on its owners, who might be selling their surplus to the Grid and buying from the Grid during times of greater demand.

If the wider utility grid goes down, these microgrids can create a little island of power, making sure the most vital operations for a business, utility or community stay powered up during major storms or other power outages.…

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President Barack Obama, Africa, continent, energy shortage, electricity, renewable

Bringing power to Africa – at a cost to the planet

President Obama is in Africa – promising countries billions of dollars to help the continent’s economies grow. But the way that the tax dollars will be spent is highly questionable.

The main motive in providing the aid is the growth of Chinese activity on the African continent. China is buying up arable land to feed its own people, and building roads, running farms, and building entire cities as a by-product. As it spends more, China’s influence grows in the region.

So now the USA is playing catchup, and Obama’s speeches suggest US aid will focus in on the continent’s energy shortage. This is not entirely a good thing.…

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