
Electricity for 8.5c/kwh

Macy’s of New York is the latest company to install a Bloom Energy fuel cell – which the energy company calls a “server” as it sounds fancier.

Bloom Energy is behind a rush towards microgrids from major corporates.

It has launched a new energy server with patented solid-oxide fuel-cell technology that can generate 100 kW, enough to power one small office building or 100 average U.S. homes. The Bloom Energy Server makes it possible to generate electricity locally, rather than purchasing it from a utility company.
The company says a server costs from $700,000 to $800,000,…

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Underground home in Cumbria

Underground house

From what I have read, the underground house is often considered the holy grail of off-grid living, it’s known to be warm in winter, cool in summer, making life more self sufficient for the occupants of the home. I ran across this video recently about a family creating an underground home, taking advantage of a former sandstone quarry, most of the “hole” their home would go in was already there.…

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co-generation gives resilience, energy security

USA Today showcases microgrids

The United States is by far the world’s leader on microgrids. The nation now accounts for nearly two-thirds, or 62%, of global microgrid capacity that’s either planned or operational. The number of microgrids worldwide has increased from about 400 early last year to about 600 now, nearly half of which are in the U.S.

In a major feature USA Today puts the boot into Utility company failure to keep the lights on. Hurricane Sandy, along with other recent extreme weather events, “exposed the growing unreliability of the nation’s aging and “Balkanized” power grid,” said the paper.…

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Solar Thermal System for Heated Swimming Pool

Imagine taking a dip in your outdoor swimming pool in late October, even November as the ground hardens and the frost thickens. The steam is coming off of your heated pool, and its not costing you a cent – apart from considerable installation costs that is.

There are some design factors to be considered, including proper sizing and location. But there are many web sites to help you, as well as the off-grid technical forum for advice. It’s not imperative to have your solar pool heater configured and installed by experts.…

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Solar powered pyramid

Pyramid power

Ever see an off-grid pyramid? Well you are about to. This is the video story of Greg Grant, who began his off-grid existence slow and small.

He didn’t put a lot of money into his project. What he had was land, lots of natural materials, a great bunch of talented and helpful friends, and a unique vision. He chose to make his off-grid home out of short straw-bale walls, but with a steeply pitched, pyramid shaped roof.…

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Utilities enter the Death Spiral

offthegridnews,eric valli, utilitiesElectricity and water rates are set to rise sharply because so many households and business are now generating their own power and managing their own water supply. The Utility company fixed costs are not going to change however many people close their accounts and go it alone. So those costs have to be paid by a shrinking pool of consumers.
Utility executives even have a name for the nightmare scenario which more and more solar panels, or boreholes or wind turbines could create – they call it the “death spiral.”They fear solar’s rapid spread across homes and businesses, combined with the increasing efficiency of modern buildings and appliances, could slowly erode the utilities’ ability to generate profits.…

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Hinkley C + QE = Slavery

The spectre of the British people as slaves of the new Chinese superpower just got a step closer.

The Brits have agreed to what must be the dumbest deal ever to be voluntarily undertaken by a national government that did not have a gun to its head.

I refer of course to their new nuclear power station which will be financed by the Chinese and built by the French using outdated technology. Never mind that the whole idea of a giant nuclear power station has been thoroughly discredited in Japan, the one the Brits chose is last decade’s model.…

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UK solar homes pass 500,000

Recent data from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) shows that nearly 460,000 homes across the UK have solar panels installed, and that does not include off-grid homes, since these do not show up in official stats.

The data was released recently by DECC and published on the website of the Solar Trade Association (STA). It represents a combined peak capacity of 1.3GW, making domestic solar the largest sub-sector of the solar market.

The popularity of solar in the UK has largely resulted from huge subsidies that have now been scaled back. The result of intensive lobbying by the green movement, it has made a few companies super-profits and further enriched some wealthy householders, but done little to decarbonise Britain.…

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Japan going off the grid, post-nuclear future one town at a time

Ohira, Japan (Agence France Presse ) 19Oct

As the impact of Fukishima continues to terrify the Japanese people, a remote Toyota plant in northeastern Japan is poinitng the way forward after the devastating quake-tsunami more than two years after it was completely shut it down.

Employees roll out more than 100,000 Corolla and Yaris sedans a year and the factory looks like most operated by the world’s biggest automaker.

But the plant is unusual for something that cannot easily be seen: it produces its own power – and its own peppers.

A gas-fired power system supplies 7,800 kW of energy — about 70% of present needs — to help keep production moving, and virtually nothing is lost.

The factory recycles heat from the burning of gas and uses it to dry the paint on finished vehicles. Hot water from the gas turbine runs through pipes into a nearby greenhouse that grows green peppers, which will later be sold.

Solar panels also supply some power to the plant.

The factory is tapped into the local energy “micro-grid” and could supply the nearby village of Ohira in case of another disaster.…

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Tiny homes, cheap!


I am starting to see more and more of these shed style homes, they remind me of Morgan buildings. They are a glorified shed that can be finished out to turn into a living space, perfect for the rural areas with fewer or no “codes”. I am seeing these cheap, really cheap and they will usually deliver them to just about anywhere. I see lots of potential, you could start out with one and add to it, or even have multiple units for the different parts of your living areas, living room/bedroom, kitchen/bathroom, guestroom/art studio… Many of these can be had for less than it cost to buy a car.…

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Scumbags at Scottish Power

Its yet another example of rip-off Britain.

Scottish Power make it almost impossible for a normal custoimer to switch tariff or energy supplier.

But the UK State energy regulator, Ofgem, is completely ineffectual in standing up to the Utilities, and politicians act like startled rabbits when confronted with the power of the power companies – specifically their threats to reduce investment and switch off the nation’s lights.

In a typical example of how all the big six energy companies behave, attempts to change supplier from Scottish power today were met with

*A permanent engaged tone from their main number
*No answer from their switching number
*A broken web site – just on the page where you switch
*Being placed on permanent hold when finally through to the seemingly correct number.

Attempts to switch tariff WITHIN Scottish power were met with an identical set of problems…

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New magazine focusing on Microgrids and Off-Grid Applications

PISCATAWAY, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–November 14, 2013– IEEE Electrification Magazine highlights advanced concepts, technologies and practices associated with all aspects of electrification transportation and off-grid sectors

IEEE Power & Energy Society a professional organization for electrical companies, announced that the magazine would be a quarterly print and digital publication dedicated to disseminating information on all matters related to microgrids onboard electric vehicles, ships, trains, planes and off-grid applications.…

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