

Stock up on LED lights now!


Christmas is over and the after Christmas sales have started, one thing to grab up now before they all vanish is LED light strings, yes the ones that are sold for Christmas lighting, they are being marked down right now, stores have to make room for the next big holiday, meaning that you can get some major bargains right now.

All month long, I have been looking at my local Alco store (it’s like a small Target/dollar store with less stuff), I have been eyeballing the LED Christmas light strings, but have been biding my time knowing the price would drop dramatically after Christmas. Sure enough, a few days ago when I dropped in, I made a beeline to the back of the store for their Christmas section, I saw the sign, ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATION 50% OFF, that’s all I needed.…

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Battery storage company

A US startup aims to lower energy costs by balancing the power grid with batteries charged during cheaper non-peak hours. It just received $15 million in funding from General Electric and the Spanish renewable energy company Iberdrola.

Stem, an energy storage company in San Mateo, CA, is part of a trend that will lead to cheaper, better batteries and load balancing kit that will assist the off-grid movement.The premise of Stem’s business model is the inefficiencies in the current utilities industry.…

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Power Predictor

Here’s a useful gadget for sizing your green energy investment.

Spending thousands on solar panels or sticking a wind turbine on your roof requires a serious leap of faith.

You can research how good an investment it should prove, but until most people splash out they will never know. So, it’s no wonder that green energy has gained a reputation for being the domain of those who can afford to have a conscience – or at least enough cash lying around to stump up for an installation lump sum.…

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beat electrcity/gas price rises. Save money on utulities, save money on energy

Save Money on Gas/Electricity

Time for a selection of Christmas Gifts for our ON-Grid friends and family. Here’s how to help others save money on energy bills during these cold, dark winter days as bills are going up.

Though price rises are as inevitable as winter, they are a reminder on why its sensible to be off the grid, and also a reason for your less fortunate cousins to check their energy use.

To help them shave large chunks off their energy bills, we’ve put together a guide to this year’s best energy-saving gadgets.

Philips Hue Wi-Fi lo-energy bulbs

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We work to pay – Hydro hike reaction

There’s no shortage of reaction from Niagara residents to the news their hydro bills are beginning to skyrocket.

the famous Niagara falls may be a pubic asset, but the energy it could theoretically produce  belongs to the local monopoly

More than 60 comments came flooding in to the QMI Agency Niagara’s Facebook page about the Liberal government’s new long-term energy plan showing the average Ontario monthly residential bill of $125 will rise to $178 within five years — a 42% increase.…

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Winter check your home

Its an indication of how worried we are about heating bills that one of the most popular viral videos shows someone claiming they can heat a small room in their home for 8p (13c) a day – using tea lights and terracotta flower pots.

We can, however, retain more of the heat we pay for by making sure that it doesn’t escape. It’s not too late to give the home a winter check – the most obvious escape routes for heat are windows, doors, ceilings and floors.…

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Battery desulfator review part one

I have been researching ways to desulfate batteries, I am finding most people saying that it’s snake oil, that it can’t work… some that are saying that seem to be repeating what they have heard from others, they aren’t speaking from experience, I wanted to TRY something before blowing it off as snake oil… There are 2 main ways I’ve discovered to desulfate a battery, one is chemically, the other is electronically.…

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Most solar panels are facing wrong direction

Extra revenue generated by pointing panels Most solar panel installers follow conventional wisdom handed down from architects, which holds that in the northern hemisphere, windows and solar panels should face south.

This makes intuitive sense since it would seem to maximize the amount of sunlight a panel will get as the sun tracks from one horizon to the other. But it isn’t true, at least according to a single study of homes in Austin, Texas. The Pecan Street Research Institute found that homeowners who aimed their panels toward the west, instead of the south, generated 2% more electricity over the course of a day.…

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Sizing a solar install, dont cater for peak consumption

If they can do it in Lahore, why not LA?

Sizing a solar install, dont cater for peak consumptionFrom DAWN Magazine, Lahore – On an average summer’s day when the rest of Lahore sullenly waits in the heat for the electricity to return, Shahid Razzaq’s family lounges peacefully, their air conditioner running and all appliances working. While in other households the sudden and frequent power blackouts are greeted with groans and resigned sighs, the Razzaq family doesn’t even notice. And they certainly never have to switch on a generator.…

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Reducing the Grid in your Home

Good discussion on – lets get into the same subject on our own technical forum please

It started with someone called Bricken saying:

I have looked at a few websites. some offer diy systems around £7000 others offer to supply and install but when it comes to details and price they want to send a rep. I hate reps they really dont understand terms like leave now or conman so if you live in the north west and have a hybrid system that you are happy with. I have ssw pitched slope with no shaded areas i am looking at a 12 panel system how much did it cost you. So i have an idea before i get into it with the reps.…

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NRG Energy, Arizona solar, Utilitiesin death spiral

NRG comes out against Utilities

The Off-Grid message sometimes seems anti-corporate – a fightback against the big Utilities and their cronies in politics and the media.

But big business also contains some sworn enemies of the Grid. None more so than David Crane, CEO of NRG Energy, America’s largest independent power producer. For the past century, we have paid electric utilities to supply power via the centralized grid. In the future Crane envisions individuals relying on power plants only for critical needs.

Last Thursday the Arizona State legislature voted to impose a tax on roof-top solar installations – it was an infuriating decision after years of lobbying from the Utility companies.

“The fundamental relationship the American citizen has with energy is about to change,” Crane told…

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UK National Grid “likely” to collapse this winter

power cutA top Utility executive has embarrassed the company that runs Britain’s power supply – by exposing the high risk of power cuts this winter.

He says the risk of power shortages has been underestimated by ministers and the National Grid, with factory shutdowns and “politically unacceptable” price spikes more likely than had been feared, energy giant SSE has warned.
National Grid last month said that in a cold winter the UK’s electricity “margin” – the safety buffer between peak demand and supply – would fall to just 5pc, the lowest since 2007, as old power stations are switched off.
But Keith MacLean, SSE’s director of policy and research, warned: “We think that could easily flip to minus 5pc.”…

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