A quick hello

Charlotte and Erron
Charlotte & Erron
Hello to everyone at www.off-grid.net!

We are new contributors here and are very excited about the opportunity to share our thoughts, experiences and lives with others.

We are a couple who has decided to start the move to being truly off the grid. Some things have already been accomplished. Soon, we will add the few posts we had on our old blog, which will be completely moving here.

The first few posts should help shed a little light into who we are and some of our ideas. Here in Detroit, its pretty dirty and messy. We’ve just decided to live clean, carbon free lives.

I have had a great experience as a reader on this great site, and feel lucky to be able to contribute along with great people like Wretha.

More coming shortly!

6 Responses

  1. Hi – how fabulous. So you are going to generate your own heat and light or live without? I just recently heard of someone who lived off nothing more than his car battery but obviously not without what the rest of us would think to be a great deal of sacrifice. I’ll be waiting to hear more …

    Good luck!

    1. Caroline,

      Our plan is to have a wood burning stove for heat. We were discussing light this weekend. We do have plans in the future for solar and wind power. We don’t know how well the solar will work out in the winter here in MI, hopefully the wind will help. We did purchase a 5000 watt generator Thurs before heading up to the property to start building(post on all of this later tonight) for a pretty great price, and it did wonders for helping us construct the base of our cabin. So we will always have that as an absolute backup. Thanks for reading!

    1. Helena,

      Thank you. That is our goal, for people to see that you can be from a big city and still take responsibility for the enviromental impact you have. She and I do not have and will never have kids. So we decided the best thing for us to leave behind when we are gone, is leaving nothing behind. Just the idea that it is so vital to try to self sustain as much as possible, or there will not be too great of a future.

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