Women off-grid
When you think of someone living off-grid, chances are you either think of a man or perhaps a couple (or even a family), but it’s doubtful you will think of a single woman going off-grid, especially an older lady. Well I’m here to tell you, there are women living off-grid on their own, homesteading, doing the things that are traditionally done by the men.
As a female myself, I can tell you it’s convenient to have a man around to do the hard jobs, to do the really messy jobs, to reach the taller things, even to unscrew that stubborn lid, it’s convenient but not a requirement! I love my man and am glad we are doing this together, but it’s not an impossible thing to do on your own ladies, if you really wish to do this!
As long as you are in decent health and have a few skills, ladies you can do this. Having some smarts helps too, of course there might be somethings that are just physically difficult to do, that’s when you hire someone to help, whether you pay with money, or you trade something you can do (cooking, mending, fixing, and the such), don’t get fussy with me if you are a liberal woman and are offended by my words, this is what I would do if I didn’t have my PB around to do the heavy lifting.
Out where I live there are quite a few ladies, some in the +60 and even +70 age range who live on their own, not necessarily living off-grid, but living in a wild place with no city amenities or conveniences around. Many of them grew up on ranches, but not all, some did come from the city and just made it work through their own strength and perseverance.
Here are a few ladies who are doing this on their own