
October 3, 2014


Off-Grid update

Winter is coming, it’s well into fall and the season is definitely changing. The air is cooler, especially in the mornings, crisp, I can smell the smoke from a nearby woodstove, with the cooler weather comes dryer weather, I noticed I am getting static shocks when I get out of a vehicle, which is something I am doing a lot more often lately. Right now, I am about to get up and get into my sleeping clothes, something warmer than I have been wearing all summer long.

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Freezing food

For the longest time, I’d buy my produce at the farmer’s market over the weekend. When the next Friday rolled around and I hadn’t used everything, I’d regretfully throw away the excess.

Now I’ve invested in a low-energy freezer, powered from my local year-round creek. It was a big budget item but its changed my life and as I learn how to properly freeze produce, I’m giving new life to my budget — and my cooking.

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