
December 8, 2013


Winter wonderland

PICT0001We had a very pretty day yesterday, it was one of those rare days that was cold but not so bitter that you didn’t want to go out. My friend and I had to go into town in the morning, it had been foggy, windy and cold overnight, we didn’t know what to expect in the morning, there was a chance we couldn’t go into town. We woke up to this sight, a winter wonderland of ice crystals that had grown on the windward side, growing in furry spiky delicate ice crystals.

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Have yourself a thrifty little Christmas


There are a lot of reasons that sensible people want to step off  of the materialistic rocket ride that is the standard North American Christmas.  Maybe they don’t want to create children who are never satisfied and always want more, who always yearn for that next edition of the iGadget of the year.  Perhaps they have suffered their own personal economic collapse and just can’t afford it this year.  They might just want a sense of peace and contentment that you can never buy from a store.

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