
September 22, 2013

Rocket stove updates

I am really excited about the improvements people have been making on rocket stove ovens and thermal mass rocket stove heaters. All you need do is go to YouTube and do a search for rocket stoves and you will quickly see dozens of really great videos. With winter approaching, keeping warm and cooking efficiently is foremost on my mind.

This one is one of my favorites, I want to make a rocket stove oven like this

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Rabbits for meat pt 3

This is the 3rd in a series on raising rabbits for meat and fur. Some look at the cute bunnies and can’t imagine eating them, I would suggest looking into where your meat comes from, unfortunately today’s generation tends to be so separated and isolated from the reality where their meat products come from.

Rabbits are good for homesteaders and off-gridders, they are fairly easy to raise, they are quiet (think stealth!), they aren’t going to draw a lot of attention of close by neighbors like chickens or other livestock, don’t require a lot of space, they grow fast and breed readily, their meat is good and they have fur and hide.

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