November 6, 2011


Christian Survivalists Losing Faith in the Future

Like biblical character Joseph, who spent seven years preparing for a famine in Egypt, they are stocking up to serve the Lord

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Doomsday Preppers

This TV show first aired in the US last summer and arrives in the UK this wednesday on an obscure cable channel.  It is the latest in a long line of attempts by the mainstream media to poke fun at anyone who chooses to live off-grid because of the fear that the system may be on the verge of collapse.

Watching Doomsday Preppers, one soon realizes that the use of the term “doomsday preppers” is somewhat misleading. None of these families indicate they believe the end of the word is at hand. Instead, they plan and prepare for anticipated large-scale, near-term disasters, natural (CME) and man-made (EMP strike, financial crash). This use of “doomsday” is like the situation with Apocalypse PA, in which having “apocalypse” in the title was merely a marketing ploy.

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