
March 1, 2010


Off-grid Olympians

American Olympic snowboarder Hannah Teter has returned to Vermont — to live in her yurt. “Mom has a huge garden and fruit trees,” she told People magazine “and I love it there.

“I helped my parents get solar power this past year, and I’ll be running on solar and hopefully wind power with my yurt so I can be completely off the grid.”

Meanwhile, Olympic gold medalist skateboarder Shaun White says he is anxious to return to his 1969 Volkswagen Van.

Hannah Teter, however, is the off-grid flavor of the month.

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Real Estate, Cincinnati

Talks are afoot in Hamilton County about building what could be the first subdivision in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky that is completely off the grid.

Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Portune is leading talks about a creating a subdivision that would showcase the latest, greatest in green-building technology. Features could include solar panels, permeable pavement, rooftop gardens and homes so efficient their owners will never pay an energy bill.

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Pacific Power Seeks grid-tied Renewable Energy

From March 8 thru May, Pacific Power will accept applications for community-based renewable energy funding from its Blue Sky renewable energy program. They cover the states of Oregon, Washington and California.
To be considered in this competitive application process, interested parties must complete and submit an application form, along with supporting materials, by 5 p.m. PDT on May 14.
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