Magniwork Energy internet scam
Exclusive: A DIY guide to building a magnetic energy generator that generates free energy in perpetuity, is exposed a widespread Internet fraud that has ripped off thousands…
Exclusive: A DIY guide to building a magnetic energy generator that generates free energy in perpetuity, is exposed a widespread Internet fraud that has ripped off thousands…
Reading, learning, it’s what I enjoy doing. Before the internet, I would go to the three local libraries in my hometown, I would check out as many books as each on would allow, take them all home, read-read-read until I had gotten through all of them, then I return the books to their respective homes and start all over again. I tended to read non-fiction, I preferred them over fiction most of the time. With the exception of a few notable authors such as Stephen King, Jean M. Auel, and such…
With the advent of the internet and ebooks, I mostly read what I can get in digital format, including audiobooks. So these last couple of books I’ve read, I have held in my hand, turned pages, it was quite old-school for me. J I love it. Now, on to the book review.…
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