
September 1, 2008

How to live cheap

Cash-strapped teacher Kath Kelly claims she has been living on just £1 ($1.70) a day for the past year. And she has written a book about it.

Miss Kelly, 47, ate at free buffets, shopped at jumble sales and scavenged food discarded by grocery stores and restaurants.

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Disgraced Canadian MP joins Green Party

Wilson family: nothing Green about him
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – A Canadian MP who has been rejected by his own party, joined the country’s fledgling Green Party on Saturday.

Blair Wilson MP is apparently a total scumbag who represents one of the country’s mst marginal seats and this is almost certainly an own-goal by Green Party leader Elizabeth May.

“Today we make history,” said May. Yes, but for all the wrong reasons. Wilson has no record at all of support or even interest in green issues.

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