
August 13, 2007


Business Week recommends off-grid power

BusinessWeek has reported on the hidden problems with solar energy and concluded that power consumption should be as close as possible to the point of production

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Sustainable travel? Try walking.

Ethical, off-grid holidays walking the route Moses took. Details. The timing is right as a survey reveals 70% of holidaymakers prefer low-impact travel.

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HMG admits fiddling carbon figures

UK Energy Secretary Malcolm Wicks
Wicks: Carbon? No comment.

The British Energy Secretary Malcolm Wicks was just interviewed on The World at One, BBC Radio 4, where he failed to deny this morning’s reports that the UK government has privately accepted it will not achieve its carbon emission reduction targets. It is planning to slash its targeted carbon reduction, according to a leaked document, and civil servants have now focused on advising the government how to finagle this change of policy with the public and with the European Union where the targets were agreed.

Wicks said “I am not going to comment on a leaked document in August…” as if that would somehow dismiss the problem. Martha Kearney gave him two opportunities to deny the reports but he failed to do so.

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Coming soon – your hab

James and his Hab
James and his pod

This time next year you could be ordering cardboad accomodation from MyHab. A product design student from the UK won a design prize sponsored by steel company Corus for an inspired temporary habitat to be used at music festivals. James Dunlop who completed a three year ‘Creative Product Design’ Course intends to sell the pods for $120 each and is testing them at a number of festivals this year. My.Hab consists of two recycled plastic components which hold in place a weather treated cardboard skin.”

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