August 9, 2004


Indian treehouse has lessons for the West

Amidst the tea and coffee plantations, half way between Mysore and Calicut, in the state of Kerala in India, hides a truly magical place: two big treehouses, hidden in the canopy, 90 feet above the ground.


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Biomass Conference

Biomass for Energy 2nd International Conference on
Biomass 20th to 22nd Sept in Kyiv, Ukraine. Open to
bioenergy researchers, consultants and consumers.
or see website for more information

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Be ready for first aid

Not a plaster to be had and several unopened jars of stuff you’ve never heard of? Quit buying overpriced First Aid kits off the shelf and make your own. Or if you can’t be bothered, we tell you where to get the best, (and by that we mean actually useful) kits on line.

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