Bob the Lumberjack
This morning, Bob went out and cut down a few juniper trees. they are about 6-8 inches in diameter and the part he is using is about 8 (+/-) feet tall, he is using them for posts and beams inside the cabin, it is going to strengthen up the cabin considerably, and it will lend a rustic look too, I’ll try to snap a few pix when it is done.
I have been eyeballing the local grass, it grows in clumps and gets 18-20 inches long, it is quite strong, I have been considering ways I can use it, such as weaving it into mats, baskets & bowls, making wall coverings and window blinds. I will have to look on line to learn more about weaving, but not knowing about something has never stopped me before! ;)
Bob had to go into town and go to the dentist, he has a bad molar, the dentist gave him a prescription for antibiotics, he will probably have it pulled, it’s cheaper than fixing it, money isn’t something we have in abundance, he has to go back in early February and will decide then how to proceed. Hopefully we can come up with something between now and then. I had a filling come out just before we moved out here, I went to my Dad’s dentist and he fixed it, I am very happy with his work, I wished he was out here…
Last night was COLD!!! I think it was the coldest night yet, we used a laser thermometer, I tested several surfaces outside, the metal ladder said 9 degrees(!), the ground registered 19 degrees, a few other surfaces registered between 14-19 degrees, that was early in the night, I know it got colder as the night went on, there was a light breeze from time to time, Bob stayed up all night keeping the fire going, we really need to get our big wood stove in the cabin. Fortunately once the sun comes up, the temps raise up into the 50’s, at least it feels that warm in the sunshine, if you get in the shade, you are reminded that it is still winter here.
nanabird said…
- Hey look forward to reading your blogs almost like talking to you at Curves. Nothing worse than a bad tooth poor Bob. FYI the Haltom Curves is closing as of this Friday and merging with the Richland Hills store so many ladies are not happy and have resigned the reason she is isn’t making any money at that location. Don’t know what I will do I joined here for convience……You are so lucky to have such a wonderful neighbor and friend so close and so willing to help you out. Hope thing continue to go well for you guys find all your stuff quite interesting keep up the news.
NancyJanuary 14, 2008 7:34 PM
nanabird2000 said…
- Glad to hear things are going well sounds like you guys are moving right along…….know you must be thankful for such a good friend and neighbor. I enjoy your explanations of the new things you are using and trying quite interesting I must say. Hard to believe keeping your food so cool out of a refrigerator. OUCH! Bob feel for that tooth hope the meds work……keep warm and keep safe. I’ll be watching for your next entry……………Nancy
January 14, 2008 7:47 PM
Wretha said…
- Thanks Nancy, I appreciate your comments, keep ’em coming! :)
January 14, 2008 8:06 PM
3 Responses
Thanks Nancy, I appreciate your comments, keep ’em coming! :)
Glad to hear things are going well sounds like you guys are moving right along…….know you must be thankful for such a good friend and neighbor. I enjoy your explanations of the new things you are using and trying quite interesting I must say. Hard to believe keeping your food so cool out of a refrigerator. OUCH! Bob feel for that tooth hope the meds work……keep warm and keep safe. I’ll be watching for your next entry……………Nancy
Hey look forward to reading your blogs almost like talking to you at Curves. Nothing worse than a bad tooth poor Bob. FYI the Haltom Curves is closing as of this Friday and merging with the Richland Hills store so many ladies are not happy and have resigned the reason she is isn’t making any money at that location. Don’t know what I will do I joined here for convience……You are so lucky to have such a wonderful neighbor and friend so close and so willing to help you out. Hope thing continue to go well for you guys find all your stuff quite interesting keep up the news.