Creekmore: neat and tidy Survivalist MD Creekmore used to be a a freelance handyman and part time gunsmith. Now he’s a full time blogger, so he never has to leave home ‘cept to buy groceries and some more bullets .
Home is a 20 foot travel trailer in the boonies, and one of his recent posts describes his exact setup and what he has to do to stay sane and dry. Its not about survival, he says on his blog, “it is about gaining control over my life.” And that requires a lot of order and neatness. Still, its a spartan way to live overall, and we hope its not too cold in winter. Best of luck to you MD.
As well as his blog, which dwells on the minutiae of survialist living MD is a first degree black belt in Shotokan Karate and certified first-aid CPR instructor, he told us.
A good guy to have on your team
9 Responses
I go there every day. Like his twisted sense of humor! Good stuff, more down to earth that some of the yuppie sites.
I read MD’s blog daily and was inspired to begin my own focused on frugal canning, gardening and preservation.
I would like to learn more about how he is making a living from his blog! That is my goal too. I have a trailer and a truck and have done RV living before and know a bit of what it takes. The Frugal Fraulein
Staying small and being mobile…. I have a kind-of gift, I have seen the future, over and over… and it is scary… It is not only necessary to stay small, but it is also important to stay mobile… If you have a lot someplace where you reside inside your Camper or Trailer, be sure to keep your rainwater Catchment system, your electric PV system and your food growing system, mobile…. so, if something bad happens in your area, you would be able to put everything on your truck, or inside your trailer, and quickly move to a safer location.
I live, full time, in a 27 foot Airstream Trailer… but I do need a good diesel truck.
Buy Patriots surviving the coming collapse. This book is the best book I ever read. MD has some very good info on his site as well. Take care!
MD’s blog is my favorite survival blog. Best information and discussions I’ve yet seen on so many great topics. If you haven’t checked it out, go do it and see what I mean.
Jim Ballou
I read MD’s blog every day and check in often and sometimes post. His is a great blog for people like myself and we appreciate his work and his work ethic.
If you can’t make enough money to do more or less whatever you want it is possible to cut your expenses low enough to do just about whatever you want with your time. Jim Dakin refers to it as gentile poverty. MD’s blog is consistently enjoyable.
MD is a good guy and a goood read. No BS, just the facts so you can determine what’s best for yourself.
Yukon Mike
I love reading MD’s blog, I look forward to reading what he writes. Keep up the good work MD!