Broadcast: Audio and Video appearances
BBC Radio 4 (Apr. 2022) You and Yours final 10 min, 29:20-37:13.
Also Available here
BBC Radio 5 (Dec. 2015) Off the Grid author Nick Rosen talks on BBC Radio 5 the Paris Climate Conference started this week so climate change is high on the press agenda
Point (Oct. 2014) The Truth According to Nick Rosen from Off-Grid
Coast to Coast AM (Jul. 2010) Economy & Geopolitics / off-the-grid
Daily Mail (Feb. 2023) Would YOU swap suburbia for self-sufficiency? As families face sky-high mortgage rates and inflation, these couples reveal how they chose to live off the grid
Extinction Rebellion (Dec. 2022) Why Go Off-Grid?
The Telegraph (Mar. 2021) Why are the rich and famous desperate for a forest of their own?
Spectator (Oct. 2021) Living off-grid is the best way of weathering the EFFing crisis
The Guardian (May. 2015) From the archive, 19 May 1994: World wide web is the road to knowledge
The Guardian(Apr. 2014) Off-grid living: It’s time to take back the power from the energy companies
BBC News (Nov. 2012) One in a billion
BBC (Jul. 2011) China’s super-rich: Zhu Gongshan
HuffPost (May. 2011) The best phone to take off-grid
Newsweek (Jul. 2010) Off the Grid Inside the Movement for More Space, Less Government, and True Independence in Modern America
Independent (Mar. 2008) Meet the pioneers who are living without mains power or water
The New York Times (May. 2008) Off the Grid, but Plugged In
Reuters (Oct. 2008) Green living: When it comes to waste – The kids are all right
Los Angeles Times (Jul. 2010) Book reviews: Going ‘off the grid’ – what it means and what it takes and why
Washington Post (Sep. 2010) Nick Rosen’s Off the Grid: Inside the Movement for More Space, Less Government
New Scientist (May. 2007) How to live off-grid by Nick Rosen
PBS (Jul. 2004) Transcript | sacred ground | frontline
Vivum Publishing (Sept. 2022) How We Went Off-Grid: The Full Approved Planning Application, Foreword by Ben Fogle, Easy-to-follow Business Plan for Simple Living
Rosen, N. (2012) Netzausstieg! : mit einem ausstiegstechnischen Nachtrag vom Wagenplatz
Rosen, N. (Jul. 2010) Off the Grid: Inside the movement for more space, less government, and true independence in Modern America. New York, NY: Penguin Books
Rosen, N. (Mar. 2008) How to Live Off-Grid
Rosen, N. (1996) The NET-HEAD HANDBOOK: The First Guide to Computer Chic