Their latest big idea is a show called Utopia where a bunch of “ordinary people” live in an off-grid community for a year and make up the rules as they go along.
So they can design their own Utopia for a year. Is that because Fox thinks we are too shallow to understand building a Utopia might take a little longer than that?
Or will it be like the new Bear Grylls show “Island,” where Channel 4 TV in the UK have put actors and professional soldiers in with the “ordinary” guys? And said they have to get their own food and water, but then surreptitiously fed them.
Fox contacted me the other day asking for my help with Utopia.
They are creating a group of 15 people from across the US, chosen to fulfil various focus group findings, and to contain enough sexual tension, racial minorities, and people who hate each other on sight so as to make the series “interesting.”
Invented by sleazebag John de Mol, who first pioneered Big Brother, the “Utopia” cast of characters “will get to decide how they want to live, what kinds of laws they will have (if any), how they will support themselves, etc” say Fox.
Oh really? Why call it Utopia then? Why not call it Minecraft?
“At the end, there will be one ultimate Utopian pioneer,” Fox announced. My! One ultimate Utopian. How pointless is that?
What is truly offensive however, is that the show’s producers are looking for a pregnant woman to give birth during this awful schlock series. Or someone who is “actively trying to become pregnant.”
No doubt the programme makers will stick the camera between the woman’s legs in a very tasteful way. This is Fox Network after all, those sensitive intellectuals with their finger on the pulse of America’s idealistic youth.
Fox Fall or Fox Fail?
Fox are leaving things a little late because they already scheduled two fall episodes with “Utopia,” airing new episodes on Tuesday and Friday nights. In success, FOX execs have indicated that “Utopia” could continue forever — Just like “Forever Eden”! — which would impact FOX’s spring slate.
Let’s hope the sad, desperate lonely people they recruit for this monumental piece of trivia all rebel and refuse to co-operate with the manipulative TV people who treat them with such disdain.
6 Responses
Do you work for Fox? If not, I apologize.
Interesting info but not really all that shocking. Fox wants ratings so they can make advertising money. What’s sad is that these manipulated shows are what mainstream society will watch.
Fox is not hoping for a Utopia, they want a train wreck.
Plus, I’m sure “off-grid” is a term they will use loosely. How off-grid can it be if they’ll have cameras everywhere? We shall see…actually I won’t be watching but maybe I’ll hear about it at some point.
Thank you, Nick. My apology stands.
Andrew, it is curious that you input ‘idears’ instead of the proper word ‘ideas’. Are you suggesting that ‘good old fox (sic) is just a bunch of hayseeds? I would assume not since you would be generalizing, stereotyping, and prejudging and you wouldn’t do that.
I don’t have paid or free television and couldn’t pick a fox from a peacock. My original comment, for which I apologized, and this follow-up is because it seems that we ‘in the know’ types are condescending. Am I wrong here as well? Are you unbiased?
Good old fox, off-grid and recycling the bbc’s old castaway tv program. But then again there not big on new idears. Will it be like the tv show that some US network did sometime ago along the same line in a wild west town I can’t remember what it was called but i think it might have been pioneer. How will they product place the cars, computers, tablets and mobile phones in that program.
Sam – it is not anti-Fox – I was just shocked that the producers should blatantly be looking for a “woman who is trying to get pregnant ” for the show. Its sleazy – that’s all
If Fox weren’t producing this program would you have written with the same vitriol and used the same choice words; scumbags, sleazebag (sic)?
Is it the program’s concept that bothers you or the company producing it? Isn’t Revolution, America’s NBC I believe, producing a similar level of schlock?
I love this site but don’t come here for anything reminiscent of politics. (See the glowing article about Matt Taibbi who also has a strong, known political opinion). It seems like this is more anti-Fox and their perceived politics than anti-specific programming. If wrong I apologize.