Tucked away down a farm track in Somerset is a project that could act as a catalyst for an era of low-cost, off-grid rural living across Britain.
A small group is aiming to join the population of Barton St David, a village of approximately 500 residents, 5 miles south-east of Glastonbury, with a pub, and a 12th Century church. Local residents are keen to make sure their new neighbours stick to the letter of the planning laws.
The off-gridders number roughly a dozen including teachers, smallholders, a former travelling salesman and an editor. They are looking for a few more members and are about to apply for planning permission for 8 live-work units in a field overlooking rolling English countryside.
Its not the first time environmentalists have got together to try to make this happen But unlike every attempt that has gone before the organisers are applying for planning permission first, rather than moving in and then battling the local council (and wary residents) from a position of moral inferiority.
6 Responses
C Merger – Karen was very obviously being sarcastic! It’s true that doing things lawfully in the UK are often unsuccessful but people who just go ahead and do what they like get left alone. I hope they get permission and that their dream life comes true!
It is a dream to more people than you know. I wish you luck, and hopefully our world can learn from this.
@Karen Blackburn: I really hope you are a troll rather than an actual ignorant, idiotic, small minded middle-Englander. These people want to live and work on the land, in a sustainable way, integrated into the local community, and help others to do the same! Can you read??? I’m baffled by your opinion. It is people with opinions like the ones you express who we can blame for our current unsustainable, unworkable, unfriendly and community-void society!
Good luck to them, but please this is the UK you’re talking about here. No chance if they’re actually trying to do it legally, far better chance if they just find some prime piece of land and move on with caravans, cause havoc and ruin the area, make residents lives a misery, and then they’ll get away with it. Really hope I’m wrong and they get permission to go ahead, but I’m doubtful.
Their web address is http://www.plotgate.org.uk
Hey, this sounds intriguing and promising, can I be put in contact with these people to be able to learn more about them and their work, or alternatively do they have a website or other means of people following their progress? Thanks for your articles :)