The off-grid life is about to go mainstream — in a new network TV series called “Revolution” on NBC. Produced by the creator of Lost and other hit series, Revolution is set 15 years in the future, after electricity ceases to exist on earth because of a solar flare.
The series stars Tracy Spiridakos as Charlie, a teenager who tries to rescue her brother after he’s taken by a local militia in this post-apocalyptic future where all technology has been disabled.
The show launches Monday Nov 17th, so be grateful your TV still works – if it does. “Revolution” mixes a terrific cast, breathtaking visuals, sharp action sequences and brave twists into a low-tech “Mad Max” where cars don’t work anymore.
Survivors refer to that fateful day as the Blackout, but no one knows what caused it until well into series 1.
Director Eric Kripke says: “Its saying what would happen if we all lived without electricity in this very incredibly technologically overextended little world of ours and how would we survive.
“How would we find food, how would we find water?” he asked. “That’s a part of it. But for me it’s just a really epic, fun saga. It’s this journey about this family that is struggling to reunite. So it’s intensely character driven – very complicated and fascinating characters who are all just struggling to come together against incredible adversity. For me, the ‘what if’ is interesting, but characters are everything.”
Their story, our nightmare
The opening scenes of “Revolution” are set in the present day as viewers meet Ben Matheson (Tim Guinee, “The Good Wife”), who rushes home to tell his wife, Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell, “V”), that something dire is about to happen. He also calls his U.S. Marine brother, Miles (Billy Burke). Then the lights go out – forever.
This future looks a lot like the past, with matter-of-fact murders justified by Wild West morality. With no factories to make ammunition, swords and crossbows are enjoying a comeback. Bullets would presumably be a dwindling resource with ever-escalating prices.
“Revolution” will kick off with a search-and-rescue mission. Each member of the good-guy posse is fully realized and well-executed, especially schlubby scientist Aaron (Zak Orth). Working for Google didn’t prepare him well for this task. Ben Matheson’s girlfriend, Maggie, fights like Lisbeth Salander and has stepmom issues with Charlie.
Once this odd group gets going, the exceptional production values of “Revolution” come sharply into focus. The unlikely band of friends traipse through fields gone fallow and the crumbling streets of Chicago. The environment was the only winner in the Blackout — everything is green and lush. To up the ante for Charlie’s first flirty encounter, a waterfall is a bit much, but it sure is pretty.
The visual mood of “Revolution” keeps changing, showing rapidly shifting worlds. The ruins of vine-choked mansions, tranquil farmhouses, a battered fuselage, acres of crops in glaring sunlight. Flickering candles turn night scenes medieval.
“In my mind, the best way to make a sci-fi show is to …make it about the characters,”Kripke said. He’s approaching “Revolution” like it’s a “Lord of the Rings” or “Star Wars” TV series.
“It’s a quest, it’s a road show,” Kripke said. ” ‘The Walking Dead’ is a lot about survival. This is about a quest and a goal, like King Arthur and “Wizard of Oz.’ ” (Spiridakos credits Kripke with this succinct description of Charlie: “She’s Dorothy with a sword.”)
“It’s about people seeking something,” Kripke continued. “They’re moving across this American landscape, in every episode going through a different town or village.”
In one episode, the travelers will visit a town where all the parents died 10 years earlier. “Revolution” will also explore the notion of being a drug dealer in a world without cell phones or pagers.
Kripke does intend to answer the show’s big question – what happened to the electricity? – and settle the rules of the universe he’s created. Even though electricity is gone, lightning remains (“I’ll address it,” Kripke promised) but any device that throws a spark or any circuit that carries an electrical charge – batteries, spark plugs, engines – do not work.
“We brought a physicist into the ‘Revolution’ offices and we pitched him what we wanted to have happen. And we gave him the big secret as to why it all happened, because we have that secret, and we really vetted it to make sure that it was accurate from the scientific point of view,” Kripke said. “And his face just lit up. He was like, ‘That is absolutely possible.’ He’s like, ‘And I never even considered it, but that’s amazing.’ And so we did our homework and we came up with something that actually is quite plausible.”
8 Responses
It looks like another excuse to market more idiotic & violent video games. Typical Hollywood mentality. When do the zombies appear?
this show is full of bad acting, and it doesnt even talk about surviving, its all about sword fights.
More American whores in Hollywood. No thanks.
To utter hell with Television, and Holly-wood.
What a disappointment.
1. Why not start the second after it occurs and the first season build into the 1 year mark after the SHTF.
2. Why would they not have created mills, ammo ect from alternative sources by now? even if everything electric will never turn back on it does not mean newly created devices won’t work ?
3. Lastly the PC at the end. Can the creators of lost be any less original? And surely if they powered that on and could communicate every piece of networking equipment globally or the satellites would have powered on while they spoke. Lets see does her house have a satellite if not then the show should be ended before its even begun.
I for one was very saddened as it had such promise.
Apparently the premise of it is that nothing electrical works. Some sort of natural event occurs that prevents it. Enjoyed the trailer, but I always laugh at the fact that even though everything has failed the ladies still have a good supply of wella and max factor products! One the thing is that despite the lack of electric in the 19th century factories still produced ammunition using water power where as this lot are down to muskets and bows and arrows! Let’s face there is no shortage of lead copper and brass in today’s world! And the ingredients for gunpowder are readily available too.
liking the beginning. just wondering why they need power. but mostly wondering where are the solar panels. do they want us to believe there isnt a diy that couldnt make one.
I am really interested in the science of how it happened…. we will be discussing the fact vs fiction and how no matter what Hollywood came up with as to how it happens it is a real threat that we really do face… check out the weekly podcast and join in on the speculation: http://www.RevolutionFanCast.com PODCAST