Dawson Creek – Spot the pipeline The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that a series of bombings of gas pipelines in British Columbia may be the work of “forest hermits” who live off-grid according to the pipeline owners, Canadian company EnCana.
Last saturday’s was the sixth pipeline explosion in quick succession. Cops seem tohave no idea and have been harrassing residents indiscriminately.The Globe’s Nathan Vanderklippe writes the explosions occurred about eight kilometres south of Dawson Creek in northeastern British Columbia. No one was injured.
The latest explosion took place just 500 metres from where workers were attempting to repair the earlier blast. The RCMP sent nearly 20 people to scour the latest blast site for evidence that could point to whoever is responsible for an act they described as terrorism. All of the attacks have taken place within a short distance of each other, all of them around major holidays.
Locals have speculated that the bomber could be a disgruntled landowner, an extremist activist looking to draw attention to the dangers of sour gas development, or perhaps even one of an unknown number of “forest hermits” who live off-grid in the region. Police have offered few details on who they believe is responsible. EnCana has boosted security and is offering a $500,000 reward for information and set up a special phone line for the alleged bomber to call them. So far no one has called.
Andrew Nikiforuk, a Calgary journalist who has written extensively about Alberta natural gas saboteur Wiebo Ludwig, travelled to Pouce Coup in early June, and said police appear to be flustered.
“I heard story after story of people who felt they had been really outrageously treated by the RCMP … Stories about people being tailed, cops coming into people’s yards and just watching them all evening – a lot of stories about open harassment,” he said. “That’s a sure sign the police are incredibly frustrated and don’t know where to turn.”
The RCMP says it has employed a team of “very-qualified investigators” who “have the capacity to sustain a long, long dedication to the investigation.”
One Response
Weibo Ludwig was charged and found guilty and ended up being poisoned while serving time… he died shortly after he got out. These folks lost new born babies due to flaring by the gas company close to their off-grid commune. These are very good people… but have been labeled many things by a county of rednecks.