Fisher Auction Company had announced a November auction for the island, attracting media attention around the world. Now the marketing strategy has moved on a stage.
But Lamar Fisher, owner of the auction company, said the auction never happened and the owner entered into negotiations with prospective buyers. No further details were provided.
Melody Key is a half-mile from Summerland Key, and 30 minutes northeast of Key West. It was once owned by wannabe rock star Nick Hexum, lead singer of the band 311. He sold it in 2011 and the new owner did an expensive update. They are trying to do more than get their money back and they may well succeed.
A 3,000 square-foot home and outbuildings are completely off the grid with solar power and a large bank of batteries. There’s also desalinization for water supply. According to Monroe County records, the current owner is Money Island LLC, with Jason Kennedy of New York as a managing member.
3 Responses
Nick Hexum is the epitome of rock star.
I would think that selling over 8.5 million albums might qualify as “rockstar”
I’m more concerned that you said Nick Hexum was a wannabe rock star.