BABY-oil heiress Casey Johnson had been living off-grid in the months before her drug-fueled death.
British model Jasmine Lennard, a friend of the troubled heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, visited to her house, called Grumblenot, on Mulholland Drive: “It is a mess,” she told Page Six last month. “The electricity is off, there are rats, the pool is green because there is no water.”
Journalists are trying to establish how Casey heated her home, and whether she was carrying in bottled water
“Casey basically needs to go into rehab for a long time. She has walked out [of treatment programs] twice against her parents’ wishes, so they told her no more money. The last time she left early a few months ago and wrote at the bottom of her exit form: ‘[Bleep] you – keep the money.’
Commenting on the death for NBC News Dr Drew Pinsky said: “fame has become an autonomous motivator for young people today. It is an attempt to fill emptiness.
“When people come from childhoods that haven’t been fulfilling, when they have a lot of chaos in their lives, when there’s a lot of addiction, fame becomes a way to solve that problem. And it’s to make themselves feel better, let’s call it a narcissism, where they need to fill the void, the emptiness. And unfortunately, as you see with celebrities every day who are suffering and continuing to have severe mental health consequences, it really doesn’t solve any problems.
”Will it change celebrities? No, because celebrities tend to have a lot more mental health liabilities than the average population. The real question I have to ask is when are we going to have had enough of this? As viewers and consumers of media, we really chew this stuff up. And we’ve got to begin to think of the fact that these are really serious medical and psychiatric problems that are taking people’s lives in the media routinely now, and we’ve got to stand up and sort of recognize what this is and not sit in sort of disdain and envy and chew this material up the way we tend to .
‘It was like Grey Gardens,’ said one friend, referring to the infamously squalid mansion lived in for decades by relatives of Jackie Onassis, which was the subject of a TV drama last year starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange.
The last anyone `heard from her was when she posted a message on Twitter that read: ‘Sweet dreams everyone.’ ; Paris Hilton posted the picture above on her Twitter page with the message ‘We Love and Miss You Casey!’
Her friend Lindsay Lohan took to the web to pay tribute by tweeting: ‘r.I.p. To a friend to and of many – Casey Johnson – my regards to her family, friends and her beautiful daughter Ava* you are in our hearts CJ.’
Later the 23-year-old star looked beside herself with nerves as she chewed at her fingers before boarding a light aircraft leaving St Barts.
Ms Johnson had claimed her biggest regret was turning down the chance to star in the TV show The Simple Life that made her friends famous.
Her diabetes was said to be getting worse after her body built up a tolerance to insulin.
But friends claimed she made her condition worse by taking prescription medication such as OxyContin and Adderall as well as drugs like marijuana, Ecstasy and cocaine.
Her fall from grace gathered pace last year when she was arrested and charged with stealing thousands of pounds worth of clothes and jewellery from a friend’s home.
There was also an episode when her former girlfriend Courtenay Semel – daughter of former Yahoo boss Terry Semel – allegedly set her hair on fire.
And she lost custody of her three-year-old adopted daughter Ava-Monroe because her mother was worried the little girl wasn’t being cared for properly.
Neighbours said there was a revolving door of shady-looking characters at Ms Johnson’s house.
‘I saw very trendy rock-and-roll seedy types coming in there at all hours of the night,’ said one neighbour.
Ms Johnson, whose father owns the New York Jets American Football team, was reportedly rushed to hospital several times in recent months because she failed to take her insulin properly, although her family disputed the claim saying a pump delivered her medicine automatically.
Ms Johnson’s funeral is expected to be held in New York on Sunday.
6 Responses
negative – positive …
those are only words
focus on the point, no matter what you see
As others have commented elsewhere on this site. Celebrity + off the grid = news. (?) No matter what kind of story it is. Maybe they think all of the off-the-grid people are hippie types who are interested in drugs? Are the two related? Maybe a little.
This kind of trashy reporting is NOT why I subscribed to this newsletter, is this for real??! It has nothing to do with the off-grid lifestyle I am interested in studying and implementing in my own life. I can get this crap from TMZ if I want it (I don’t.)
I don’t think this was off the grid living so much as homeless living. She sounds like a person who was using her money to pay for an addiction. This does not do the off the gridders any justice. We are making POSITIVE choices for changing our lives, not negative ones that only hurt ourselves and others.
I agree with Andy
why is this on your website? focus on positive.