Thomas Lawrence has his own off-grid place – here is what he learned about securing his own water source.
From the moment I became interested in the self-sufficient life style, always wanted to have a source of water around my house. Now, my dream came true, and I can share with you my easy-to-implement method for managing your own spring.
If you are thinking of buying your dream property with a creek on it, and using it for all your necessities including some hydro-electric, you might have an unpleasant surprise.
Why you may ask?
There is every chance you will kiss goodbye your privacy.
The laws regarding public access on propriety can be a turn-off if the creek is full of fishes. Everyone who is in the mood for fishing can use your creek!
Another down and dirty surprise that you may have is even if you own the land, you don’t own the rights to use the water on your land.
Trust me on this one… I’ve encountered situations like this a lot. Open your eyes and ears
before you make a land deal if your main target is the water… most commonly, someone
else is already using the water. So, take a smooth walk to the county courthouse and do
some researches.
After you’ve made it with the papers, arm yourself with a shovel because we are heading into a treasure hunt. A fabulous move is to find a seep spring that flew in under the radar until now and create a brand spanking new seepage. The ideal distance from your general headquarter should be 60 up to 80 feet. The first clue in our little treasure hunt is to watch for spring signs on the sides of the mountains or hills. These signs are always telling you the truth: if a grassy area is greener than the rest and if you are on the north side of the mountain, you hit the jackpot. Odds are that you’ve discovered a spring layer. All that is remaining modafinil to you is to dig and divert the water through your reservoir.
My advice to you regarding the pipes and the water tank is to bury them, especially if the temperatures in your area are low. The last thing you want is to have any problems with the installation. When it comes to the pipes the expert’s category recommends poly pipe, which comes in 300 feet rolls. For 80psi, 1 ½ inch makes wonders and you’ll see that all your actions will be smoother and faster. Another tip I wanna give you because I don’t like to see our little masterpiece ruined is regarding the valves that you’ll be using. Don’t be cheap and buy plastic valve. Usually in
3-4 month they are gone with the wind…or water in our case. Go with the metal ball valves and you don’t have any trouble. I’m hoping that this untapped source will allow the individual (that’s you and me, folks)
to make a difference and take your grid to the next level, faster than you ever dreamed possible… Off the Grid
And if you want to read more about this topic, please visit https://LifeSufficiency.com
One Response
It’s so maddening when people don’t post enough information to provide CONTEXT for their comments!! Statements such as “The laws regarding public access on propriety …” are city, town, county, and COUNTRY specific, and not absolutes. In the Pacific Northwest (of America), plastic valves are NOT a problem for long-term (several years, at least) use. As long as this site’s focus is the UK, there will continue to be confusion when people don’t reference WHERE they live (or want to live!) as the context for their comments. Saying something like … “In Hamfordshire, we’ve found that this (whatever it is) applies.” would be very helpful.