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Off Grid Home › Forums › Technical Discussion › Led Strip Lights Installations
Last week I got my order delivered from https://www.hero-ledstore.com . I purchased three 5 meters roll rgb color, one 200w power supply and one rgb led controllers.All of them are advertised as 12v dc low voltage led lights, but when I got it, I don’t how to install them. I hope to use only one controller to colour all 3 led tapes so that they can change color the same time. I will install two on ceiling and the other around the family cinema. Anybody knows how ? Do I need extra device ? If nobody can help, I may have to ask the Hero Led for a wiring diagram. Thank you in advance.
I was always under the impression that each color of LED, uses a seperate, different voltage. That it was the voltage that creates the varying color changes. Or is that with liquid crystal displays?
Correct. Multi colour LEd are voltage dependent. The tri colour controller is generates a sawtooth shaped wav3e form. as the voltage ramps up through the various voltage thresholds the LED turns on each colour in turn. If you want the leds to cycle use a sawtooth and if you wabt the colour sequence to reverse use s sinewave.
The die on which the diode junctions are mounted have the requisite voltage divider needed for driving the LEd at the corect voltage.
Just observe the polarity of the output with respect to the LED strips and it will work.
So then, this guy will “have to” use the power controller designated to whichever set of lights it came with? He won’t be able to run all 3 strips off of one controller “and” get the 3 seperate colors effect he’s after?
based on the original post its not easy to figure out exactly what he got. I looked at the hero website but even that was not too informative. More information is needed. If the controller is 200 watts chances are good he can control quite a few LED.
He provided his own best answer. go back to Hero and ask them.
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