Off Grid Home Forums Technical Discussion Green Laundromat-HHO for Hot Water Tanks and Dryers

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    I own two laundromats and have a very large carbon footprint. The industry is looking at more efficient systems but in the end, laundries use a lot of heat and their is no way around that. My goal is to reduce my natural gas usage by 40% to 50% over the next two years via super insulation of tanks and lines, heat recovery and alternative fuels.

    I have been reading up on the hydrogen generators and will be starting experiments soon on use of HHO for hot water tanks and dryers. It appears I can add the HHO gas threw the air intakes as well for both systems as the propane merely enters an open burner that pulls in air.

    I currently use 1.25 million BTUs to keep 500 gallons of water at 130 degrees and 30 dryers at each store.

    I am assuming I need to use orifices that are a bit smaller or reduce the Natural Gas pressure on the line so the mix is controlled (seeing as how overheating the box may not be a good thing).

    Does anyone have experience with this type of system?





    I’d like to know if you’ve had any success in this particular area since your last posting. I think this is a critical area of transitional research and that your line of thinking on this issue is technically sound.




    I am curious if you have used any alternatives to heat your water. We are a solar thermal comany that have systems to heat liquids from the energy generated from solar energy. Thank you,



    Some info on your location for possible solar and local laws

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