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Donnachadh McCarthy recommends the Clearview range of stoves. he has never stated how much he paid for his own stove, so it is impossble to work out the payback period, and if anyone else has an opinion on them, please post. Writing in the Independent in June Donnachadh said:

The two biggest contributors to slashing my home’s carbon emissions have been changes to my lifestyle and the installation of a wood-burner.

I eliminated my remaining electricity emissions by installing solar electric panels. It was then that I realised that most of the emissions came from my gas heaters – between 50 and 60 per cent of our homes’ emissions come from space heating.

I discovered that there were, after all, high-temperature wood-burners licensed for use in the inner city. I got a Clearview stove installed in October, and it has reduced my annual gas bill to £26. It also added a warm heart to my 1840s market gardener’s cottage in Camberwell, south London.

Many people do not realise that burning waste wood is carbon-neutral, as the CO2 you are releasing is CO2 stored from the atmosphere and not from fossil fuels. It’s the release of millions of years’ worth of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests that are causing the climate crisis now upon us.