Off Grid Home › Forums › Technical Discussion › greywater system › Re: greywater system
As managing director of Waterwise Systems I would like to post a two facts in relation to Waterwise Systems
1) the average water saving achieved by people who install a system is 138,622 litres per year according to before and after water bills (thats 5 semi trailers full of drinking water!)
2) the number one source of our sales is people who have had our greywater gardener 230 system in for 2 years or more refering friends to us.
i would be happy to disclose evidence that supports these facts to any independent person. To the best of my knowledge nicky roxy has no involvement with our organisation whatsoever.
Moving on to heresay, which seems to be key masters strong point, our team is in regular contact with the thousands of people we have helped and more than 98% claim that their garden has never looked better.
We ask that anyone experiencing a problem with distributors and their contractors who may have not completed the instrallation to our specifactions contact Waterwise Systems through our website
In a world where various forces are attempting to turn water into a comodity like oil i would ask that any caring human being should at least consider using our or another quality permanent greywater system to maintain their garden before we run our children out of water and into the hands of water manufacturers…