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Your OBC certified inspector will not due to liabilities
give you much advise any more. This all changed about 6 years
ago. You give the engineered stamp drawnings done by
you OBC certified P.Eng to your OBC certified builder
who buys OBC certified wood, 2×6’s in this area and he builds
your OBC certified and inspected house preferably with union
labour. For all this you pay for permits and then they turn
around and stick up your taxes.
Have only ever met 1 inspector that was misrable. He was
a Fire Inspector. When they started enforceing NFPA96 and
every resturant that didn’t have stainless steel fryer hoods
had to comply. $5,000 to $15,000 normal cost. Closed a lot
of resturants.
When I say I’m looking to go off the grid I mean in all the
right (for me) ways.
In the old days you would build yourself a log house
If it fell down on you
you couldn’t sue the designer, the inspector, or the builder
You were responsible and you took responsibility
And of course now you were wiser and built a better one
(If you lived)
Not looking to build a house off-grid
so much as a way of life