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January 13, 2015 at 12:00 AM
Hey, it’s never too soon to look into things like this, I myself started from the survival side of it. Camping for several weeks at a time in a remote area with only the gear and supplies I could carry in under my own power. Once I was able to do that relatively comfortably, I was even more open to the idea that self sufficient living and subsistence life style was feasible for me.
At your age, you can do all manner of things that will help you later on if you decide to adopt an OtG life.
- Plenty of workshops where you could perhaps get hands on experience while learning some basic skills.
- If you’re into reading (I hope you are!) there are so many good books on various subjects that might be of interest both for building a reference library for the future and general learning.
- Some OtGridders seek help for summer or seasonal jobs giving you the chance to be mentored while providing assistance, so be on the lookout for such opportunities. Building projects, from good old fashioned barn raising to cob house construction and so forth; helping hands, willing to learn are often sought.
- Build your network and community of friends. You never know what the future may hold and making friends and acquaintances is very valuable especially in the off the grid communities.
- Look into buying some land! I know, that seems radical at your age, but seriously consider purchasing a piece of rural property somewhere that appeals to you and your sensibilities. There’s still acreage available in many places, all that fly-over country that most people look down their noses at; I’ve found that the least desirable places to most people are often the most appealing to me:
- Far from the city
- Mostly or totally undeveloped
- Low population
- No building codes, HOA, etc.
- Compare notes with family members and relatives, you find that you share some of the same ideals and dreams.
That’s just my two cents on some things you may want to consider, assuming you haven’t already.