Others say that you have to start somewhere, and if the corporations and busybody Governments won’t act, we the people can shame them.
Our view is somewhere in between – its sensible to reduce consumption especially for those of us in Western society who have been over-consuming for decades.
Here is a handy guide to what you can do. It happens to overlap neatly with many of the things people do when they live off-grid – in order to save both money and resources.
Fly less:
Flights account for an eighth of all transport carbon emissions. Trains and phone/web calls are less intensive alternatives.
Drive less and better:
Use fuel-efficient modern cars, share and drive in a higher gear. Public transport is better and walking best of all — including for health.
Eat less meat:
The shift from animal to plant-based protein reduces energy required to produce food, reduces methane emissions from livestock — and is healthier.
Waste less food:
A third of food globally is wasted, or 1.3bn tonnes a year. Freeze food nearing expiry, don’t cook too much and use leftovers.
Keep clothes longer:
Wash clothes less often and at lower temperatures to extend their life; sell or donate them when no longer wanted.
Buy fewer things: Electrical goods use energy, but products also have a significant “embodied” carbon impact from their manufacture and transport. Cut down, buy longer-lasting products and resell or donate after use.
Recycle more: Throwing out means the need for replacement production; and waste in landfills produces methane emissions. Rinse, separate and recycle.
Use less water:
Shower for a shorter time, wash up in a bowl not with a running tap, use economy settings in washing machines, steam cook.
Use less heat: Save money and waste by setting thermostats at 18-21C and turned off when out; use insulation; install solar panels.
Use less power: Use LED bulbs; turn off lights and standby on devices when not in use; don’t heat more water in a kettle than needed; limit air-conditioning.
2 Responses
i am vegan anarchist and i agree that governments won’t act. Not eating meat at all is better than just eating less meat plus i run a multiple organizations like Meatless Everyday.
Enough with the plant base diet being healthier!!!! Misleading people can make them sick. For example, I do not digest legumes, tofu is out of the question for me and eating too much fiber makes me sick. Just saying…