H5N1 – cashing in on killer flu
H5N1, Tamiflu, Nature, Tokyo University, oseltamivir, Roche, zanamivir, Relenza,…
H5N1, Tamiflu, Nature, Tokyo University, oseltamivir, Roche, zanamivir, Relenza,…
Carl Honore, In praise of slow, Blackberry, Canberra, downshifting, slowing down, dropping out, Orion,…
Jo-Anne Baker, downshifting, sex, relationships, Australian Institute for a Just Sustainable Peaceful Future,…
Classic Rock band Cream have re-released their hit song “I Feel Free” after 35 years. Its not exactly an anthem for the off-grid life, but it certainly expresses one major part of the philosophy.
Cream Eric Clapton (guitar, vocals), Jack Bruce (bass, vocals) and Ginger Baker (drums) formed in 1966 and dispanded in 1968. In a little over two years, they released four groundbreaking albums and secured worldwide acclaim and success with their unique take on electrified blues. Cream sold 35 million albums and last played together in 1993 when they were inaugurated into the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame in Los Angeles. They produced some of the most enduring rock anthems including I Feel Free, Sunshine of Your Love, Strange Brew and Crossroads.
Hear the track – https://www.last.fm/music/Eric+Clapton/_/I+Feel+Free
Buy the album: I Feel Free – Ultimate Cream — from Amazon
Hundreds of ‘green volunteering’ activities are being organized in May to combat the stress and strains of modern living. In an attempt to improve the nation’s health and happiness you can volunteer outdoors at ‘taster sessions’ of the Green Gym. The sessions are listed at the end of this story.
May is Environment Month in the Year of the Volunteer. Events taking place this month include a day of mass volunteering across the Midlands and the South West, the crowning of the 500th volunteer pond warden and a big push (and pull) to save the bluebell, Britain’s favourite wildflower, from invasive weeds in Kew Gardens.…
free food, wild food, richard mabey, roger phillips, food for free, wild mushrooms,…
Alistair Appleton, Ayhuasca, Brazil, shaman, Cash in the Attic, native Indian medicine,…
The Environment 2004 kickoff in LA drew a strong slate of celebrity environmental activists including Pierce Brosnan, Melissa Fitzgerald of “West Wing” , and Blythe Danner, star of “Meet the Fockers.” Brosnan’s wife Keely Shaye Smith spent the evening talking to Danner, mother of Gwyneth Paltrow and a new grandmother.
Keely Shaye Smith told the crowd that she had stopped Brosnan’s son from eating tuna fish sandwiches because it elevates mercury levels. It’s about our health and the health of our children.
by Sarah Brown
Four days and nights alone in the California desert without food or shelter is not everyone’s idea of a good time, but for the vision questers of the School of Lost Borders, the gruelling ceremony is spirituality off-grid, an ancient rite for modern times, which generates a powerful experience of self and spirit, carried out far beyond the reach of organised religion.
The School of Lost Borders, based in the Eastern Californian Sierra in the “land of little rain” has offered rites of initiation for over 30 years to thousands of spiritual adventurers whose lives are in transition.…
Photographer Colin Prior, who took this photograph says: I am fascinated by the fleeting nature of the optical phenomena I observe outdoors, such as rainbows, the Aurora borealis (northern lights) or an eclipse.
During my time in wild places, I have been privileged to witness some great rarities — including a white rainbow, the Earth Shadow, a Brockenspectre, the green flash of a setting sun and the Fata Morgana (a mirage) in the Arctic Circle. Each of these phenomena presents their own
unique photographic challenges and for a photographer, require an
understanding of the factors, which create them.
Rainbows are coloured arcs with a radius of 42 degrees around the antisolar point that appear directly opposite the sun. A fainter secondary arc can occur at 51 degrees and when both primary and secondary are present we have a ‘double rainbow.’ Viewed from an aircraft, a rainbow can inscribe a complete circle not visible at ground level. Rainbows can be found in
unexpected places such as waterfalls or geysers. At the beach we can see ‘surf bows’ and there is a ‘marine bow’ formed from the prow of a ship. Whether it is formed in the spray from your garden hose held at arms length, or in a sheet of rain a few miles away, the angular size of a bow remains the same.…
The Yes-Men got international coverage when one of them impersonated a spokesman for Dow Chemicals and announced a multi-billion dollar compensation settlement for the people of Bhopal. Now they have a new movie out in the US and the UK.
It was the latest in a long line of politically inspired hoaxes targeting the World Bank, GATT and other global institutions. This time they managed to fool BBC Radio news. “We wish it had been Fox TV, but they couldn’t give a damn about Bhopal” said Yes Men spokesman Mike Bonanno.
In London to promote their new book, they told me how anyone could be a Yes Man, on a local scale. So if your elected officials are in league with developers, or the local newspaper editor is in the same branch of the freemasons, this is what you might want to do, as advised by the Yes Men:…
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