
Best energy system for your home or community

Whether you live off the grid, or connected to the grid, there are a variety of solutions to help you deal with rising energy costs and reduce your bills including solar hot water, solar power and LED lighting .

Choosing a solar power system for your home or community group is a big decision.  You first need to conduct a full audit of all electricity use and work out how to shift your usage around so that you can both reduce your overall usage, and  level it out so that any peaks are easy to handle.

Hot water represents about 37% of household energy costs so it is amongst the highest individual constituents of your energy bill..…

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Net zero homes – do the math

Gary and Bobbie Worker from Portland, had their heart set on an energy neutral home that was as financially-efficient, as it was ecologically effective. “We wanted it to make sense,” said Gary. “And we wanted to approach it from a standpoint of return on investment.” A typical family which clears its electric and water bill and uses an electric car to avoid filling up at the pump, will save more than $800 a month.

Their 2 acres outside Portland has an underground heat pump to heat their space. It also powers AC and ventilation. But they also have an electric car, which sometimes donates energy to the home and sometimes uses it, courtesy of the array of solar panels. At first, they used to see it as a backup power unit but increasingly they depend on the surplus energy it gives them when they drive it home at night after a day charging up in town.
And its proving a worthwhile investment.…

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US Army seeks off-grid system in Belize

Fort Sam Texas is looking for a contractor to provide it with a  complete and usable 15KW-Hrs Off-Grid Hybrid system.  The specs are interesting as they provide a guide of what any group of individuals thinking of living off the grid might decide they need.

The system consists of: two 5KW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for a total of 10KW. Each turbine with its own inverter; plus one  5KW solar photovoltaic system and one battery bank suitable for one  day of autonomy.…

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Giving Utilities notice to disconnect

Remember those dreaded words in red ink, the final warning if you haven’t paid your bills for more than three months? Well, we’ve written our own notice of disconnection, and we are loving every minute of it, including the many challenges, writes Victoria Mendoza Fritz.

“Hi everyone. We’ve decided to live off-grid. Goodbye to light and water bills, sudden power interruptions, etc…”…

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The sunspots are coming

Dangerous new groups of sunspots have unleashed a storm of huge solar flares which threaten grid connections worldwide, as astronomers predict two years of storms which could cause chaos on Earth. Airlines and energy suppliers are on alert as the largest solar storm in five years threatens to disrupt flights and power lines
Thirteen years ago these storms shut down the grid in Quebec, Canada.

It took just 92 seconds to kill the grid after solar flares bombarded the area, but far worse could be in store.  Brilliant scientist and sun-forecaster John Kappenman, a former energy company employee who now runs his own consultancy, says that in the event of a mega-flare which takes out  Earth’s power supplies, most other critical infrastructures such as water and food supplies will begin to crumble within a few hours.
But not all electricity sources will be equally affected.…

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No Name Key- battle to save renewable community

After two decades, a tiny Florida island where 43 households live off the grid may be forced to accept Utility power.

The lure of enhanced property prices has persuaded some residents of No Name Key to switch their allegiance.  Recent arrivals on the island have provided the main impetus, but strong support still exists for those wanting to remain off the grid.

“Why isn’t the (local) power utility supporting solar use?” asks Deb Curlee in a letter to her local paper, The Key West Citizen.…

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Houses that put money in your pocket

These days, with so many builders touting themselves as green, the whole idea of a green home can seem like a marketing ploy.  Instead of stepping into someone else’s business plan,  your home can be your own financial survival tool – that is what you can learn from looking at the off-grid way of life.

When a builder markets his homes as environmentally friendly because they feature water-saving toilets and high-efficiency gas furnaces, that’s a problem: You’d be hard-pressed to find a new home without these features. But here’s the thing:  the relative improvements in resource consumption compared to the wasteful old ways are still way out of whack with the way you live if you are harvesting your own power and water, off the grid.   You can live a comfortable off-grid life on 25% of the water and electricity that people regard as normal.  But LEED standards are more like 50% or more – ie half what is “normal” but double what off-gridders would consume.…

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