
Battery life easily exceeds manufacturers estimates

Recent research just released from Zaragoza University, Spain, by VerticalNews show that battery life, crucial to the economics of off-grid energy – can easily exceed or heavily undershoot the manufacturers estimates.
It all depends on how well you maintain your batteries. IF you baby them along, never falling below 50% power and charnging the regularly, then you can double the life expectancy.…

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The Economist report on off-grid power

Electricity disintermediated

Economist newspaper runs a story today on off-grid power – saying its the future and the old utility model is dying.

Utilities’ profits are under threat as never before says The Economist – bible of the financial community in London and New York.

“Who needs the power grid when you can generate and store your own electricity cheaply and reliably?”

General Electric has recently opened an off-grid division bringing together parts of its transport, aviation and engines divisions, to meet what it calls a “$100 billion opportunity”. GE recently installed 24 lorry-engine power generators in Algeria, providing 30MW of power. It took six months, “but we could have done it in ten days,” claimed Lorraine Bolsinger, the corporate bullshit artist who heads GE’s new division.

Morgan Stanley predicts that ever-cheaper solar and other renewable-energy sources, combined with better and more plentiful batteries, will allow businesses and homes to cut out the middle man — the electricity providers.…

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Wind power 11% of UK energy, and rising

The UK’s wind power industry is breaking records EVERY MONTH after storms battered Britain this winter.

According to the latest figures, wind energy met 11 per cent of total electricity demand in February, breaking the previous 10 per cent record set in December 2013.

It is the relative supply security offered by renewable energy that the new figures underline, against the backdrop that Russia could respond to sanctions over the Ukraine by restricting gas supplies to Europe.…

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UK energy firms kept £400m when customers closed accounts

Big six thieves[/caption]The “big six” energy firms have been told to hand back more than £400m owed to customers when they switch accounts and forget to reclaim overpayments from regular monthly payments.

Credit left in customer accounts when people and businesses move or switch suppliers has accumulated over the last six years, energy regulator Ofgem said today on BBC Radio.

The energy regulator, which says its estimates are the minimum owed, has called the amount “unacceptably large”. Industry lobby group UK Energy claimed that it can be hard to trace customers who move, but did not deny that they never even try.

Ofgem thinks 3.5 million domestic and 300,000 business accounts are affected.…

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New type of battery ready for market

While Tesla revolutionises the business model for batteries, the basic product remained the same. Now a small upstart company has come along with a brand new way to store energy, a new chemistry. It will hasten the death spiral of the traditional grid.

The novel battery uses a water-based electrolyte that allowed developer Aquion Energy Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pa.; to achieve a low-cost and safe battery with long cycle life, although more suited to stationary energy-storage applications because of large size. The Aquion battery technology, now entering its commercial launch process, employs an aqueous sodium-sulfate electrolyte.…

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Tesla Motors aims to disrupt the $1tr electricity industry

Tesla Motors Inc. might be on the verge of disrupting two industries—autos and batteries say analysts at Morgan Stanley.

Tesla this week is expected to announce with corporate partners a plan to build a new battery factory that would take in raw materials and produce finished batteries, lowering its cost of buying and assembly individual battery cell components. Mr. Jonas said Tesla’s battery cell production has the potential to make it a major competitor in the electrical grid storage business.…

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Chinese solar farm $2m crowd-funding

A state-backed firm teamed up with Chinese online financiers to fund off-grid solar facility in Qianhai, near Shenzen, southern China.

United Photovoltaics Group, controlled by state-backed finance-to-logistics conglomerate China Merchants Group, aims to raise 10 million yuan through what it claims to be the world’s first megawatt-scale, off-power-grid solar farm project funded by an internet “crowd fundraising” platform.…

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Power giants hate solar in Australia

The Australian solar industry is preparing for what it calls a “David and Goliath” battle against the country’s biggest generators and network operators. The outcome will likely decide the immediate fate of rooftop solar in Australia, and the pace of the so-called “democratisation of energy” — a contest that pitches households and their solar modules against the centralised utilities that have dominated the industry for a century or more in Australia and across the developed world.…

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Greenpeace is greenwash

Real Climate Deniers Are the Greens

The author of this piece, Robert Bryce is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. This is excerpted from his forthcoming report for the institute on America’s energy advantages.

For years, greens and many others have insisted that widespread adoption of renewable energy will create jobs and stimulate the economy. An example: In September 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama claimed at a speech in Golden, Colo., that his planned investments in “green” energy would create “five million new jobs that pay well and can’t ever be outsourced.”

It was all bunk.

Proof came last month when the European Union and the German government announced separately that they were both rolling back aggressive subsidies and mandates for renewable energy. The reason: staggering costs.…

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ArkPak battery box review


Just before Christmas, I received a device called an ArkPak. It’s referred to as “The world’s most advanced battery box”. And that is exactly what it is, it’s a portable battery box, inverter, smart charger all in one.

It is pretty simple/easy to work, the battery fits right in, the cords/cables are color coded and easy to hook up, I liked the LCD screen. Once I installed the battery and turned it on, it asked me if it was a new battery, I answered NO, it then took a few seconds then told me the charge condition of the battery, it was sitting at 84%. I like the fact that it has the ability to tell me about my battery condition, that is a very important thing.
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Profs warn world will go off-grid

A pair of academics have warned that brownouts will take place with increasing severity around the world, as demand for electricity for gadgets soars amid inadequate investment.

Soaring demand for air-conditioning, iPads and increasingly electric cars, combined with a growing population and inadequate investment in creaking power networks, is pushing the world towards frequent blackouts, the academics warn in a paper published last week.

The authors, Hugh Byrd of Lincoln University in the UK and Steve Matthewman of Auckland University in New Zealand, argue that the west needs to abandon the idea of uninterrupted electricity supply.…

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Vodafone India

Vodafone India has about 70 million off-grid customers. Now it is taking its phone base stations off-grid at an impressive rate.

It recently announced a partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India, a non-profit, scientific and policy research organization, working in the fields of energy, environment and a whole range of sustainable initiatives.

Under the partnership, Vodafone and TERI will further embed and promote sustainability in Vodafone India’s operations. Vodafone said environment care will be one of its key initiatives along with social empowerment and education in rural areas, regions where most of the company’s 150 million customers live.…

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