Well, more like a gate, it is part of the defense, I don’t expect anyone to really charge the door, they would have to find it first. PB decided he wanted to reinforce the front door from whatever or whoever may try to come in uninvited, so he built a gate out of solid oak, it’s big and it’s heavy. It’s mostly finished, just needs a good latch of some sort. Here are some pictures of the gate.

With spring here, it’s getting warmer, though it’s still cool enough at night to sometimes build a small fire, just enough to break the chill. The rain seems to have started up early, which is fine, unless I’m needing to get out of the neighborhood, then it’s a mudfest on our unpaved roads, most of the time I can just wait a while for the roads to dry out enough to pass through.
The truck is looking pretty good, PB has really gone above and beyond in getting everything pushed, pulled and knocked back into place, I have been traveling very slowly at night, no more than 45 mph (the speed limit is 70 mph!), I get home later but I get home in one piece. I have had a few more close calls with deer, I seem to be a deer magnet now for some reason. I still plan on getting a grille guard, the one I’m looking at is over $500 installed, but that’s cheaper than having to replace my truck or even spending some time in the ER or worse.
I now have the money to buy this grille guard, but haven’t had the time to get it installed, I’ve been working a LOT, not complaining though, it makes for good paychecks (remember, I live on the cheap, so even a little more money seems like a lot). I’ll be happy to get back into my regular schedule though, working a few days a week then having the rest of the time off to do the other things I need to do.
That’s an update on my life lately, it’s a good life, I am so thankful that I get to live this way, it’s not for everyone, and it took hard work and time to get here, it was worth it.