

Making a living – part 3

William Hunter Duncan lives what you might call a conflicted life.   He is an urban off-gridder in Minneapolis where he has owned a home for 6 years. He has had a variety of odd jobs whilst trying to make money as a writer, and currently works for a large bank.  his specific back-office function is paperwork to foreclose on people’s homes.  Its like the joke about the boy scout who helps an old lady across the road only to find that she did not want to cross the road.  William lives off-grid, and you could say he helps other people get off the grid -whether they want to or not.

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Make money off-grid – ways to pay, part 2

Cam and Michelle Mather run a publishing business whilst living off-grid north of Kingston, Ontario.

They founded Aztext Press (https://www.aztext.com/) in 2003. Cam, already a working in publishing, was disappointed to find a lack of books providing information about living off-the-grid with renewable energy. At about the same time he was introduced to Bill Kemp, an expert in small to mid scale renewables, and from this partnership “The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners”  was born.

Written by Bill and published by Cam it has  been updated and republished. In the years since, Aztext Press has published 6 more books all focused on issues around living off-grid. Now they have taken this further by writing books as well. One of which, ‘Little House Off The Grid’, details their journey to self sufficiency.

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