All you need to go off-grid


Unplug for an hour

Small initiatives can sometimes have a big effect, and its that time of year again when Australians are asked to turn up their environmental conscience for just an hour. Earth Hour will be held at 8.30pm on Saturday, March 31. The day will see unplugged community events held across the country.

The hour of no power Everyday Australians will be celebrated for their grassroots contributions to a more sustainable future for the planet in the Earth Hour Awards. “Earth Hour demonstrates the true power of people uniting to protect the planet,” the WWF   chief executive officer Dermot O’Gorman said. “We are very excited to announce the launch this year of Earth Hour Unplugged, a platform that will allow individuals, businesses and communities to come together, get off the grid and celebrate the amazing planet that we call home.” Earth Hour Unplugged enables businesses, councils and individuals to sign up to host a party for neighbours, friends and family. The awards were started last year.
EARTH HOUR * The event is an opportunity to think beyond the hour and consider how you can reduce your impact on the planet on a daily basis. * From its beginnings in Sydney, Earth Hour has grown to influence millions of people in more than 5000 cities across 135 countries last year. * * People can register to host an event and invite their local community to participate, or search for an event in their local area using the website: Organisers also announced the launch this year of Earth Hour Unplugged, a platform that will allow individuals, businesses and communities to come together, get off the grid and celebrate.

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