Time To Go, BRB

Hello dear readers, (wow, that sounds pretty formal…)

I’m going to be gone for a month, gotta go become a grandmother! My DIL is due on the 22nd, she is having a girl, so far everything is going good, the baby is active and mom-to-be is ready to be un-pregnant. :) I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning, it’s about an 8-9 hour trip (500 miles), fortunately the views are pretty nice, until I get into the DFW area… I have to be honest and say that I do not want to leave here, I do want to be with my son and DIL for the baby, and there are some things I need to get out there, but I am not looking forward to being gone from here for a month, but we do what we have to do, I’m hoping the time will go be quickly and I’ll be back here in no time. I will be able to catch up with a few of my friends, that will be a good thing, I’ll also be able to get some stuff I can’t get easily here.

I’ll pretty much be out of touch (computer wise) while I’m gone, it’s possible that I might be able to log on to someone’s computer once or twice while I’m gone, but I can’t guarantee anything, I’ll try my best.

What really hurts is I will be leaving the 3 things I really love, Bob, Pekoe and my mountain. Bob will keep busy working on the cabin, Pekoe will turn into a puddle of “I miss my mama!”, the mountain will be here when I get back.

Anyone who wants to comment, please feel free to do so, I’ll try to get them approved as soon as possible, but it may be a while before you see it here.

I hope to be back sometime soon after October 15th.


6 Responses

  1. Thanks Seth,
    I already miss being here and I haven’t left yet! I REALLY don’t want to leave, but I’ll do what needs to be done and all will be better for it.


  2. Have a safe trip. We’ll miss you.
    Take lots of pics for us to see.
    Being a grandparent is so cool.
    My grandson is now 18 months, he’s a loveable handle full that’s for sure.
    Wishing you and mommy and daddy to be, all the best!

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