to the Care & Cleaning
of Natural Stone
Apublication from the Marble Institute of America Marble Institute of America
28901 Clemens Road, Suite 100 • Cleveland, Ohio 44145 Phone: 4402509222 • Fax: 4402509223
©2004 Marble Institute of America
The Marble Institute of America (MIA) is the leading
resource for
information and education for the natural
stone industry.
MIA Members, numbering over 1,200
worldwide, include marble, granite, limestone, sand
stone, and
other natural stone producers and quarriers,
installers, distributors, and contractors.
The association’s mission is to promote the use
of natural stone and be the authoritative source of
information on standards of workmanship and practice
and suitable application of stone products. MIA publishes
monthly newsletter, markets a range of
technical publications and consumer pamphlets on
natural stone, sponsors business and technical meet
ings and seminars on industryrelated topics, and pro
vides educational programming for architects
and con
struction specification professionals. MIA also
outstanding natural stone projects worldwide through
its annual Pinnacle Awards competition.
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About the Marble Institute of America
Fur ther Reading
ASTM International. ASTM C151 5: Cleaning of Exterior
Dimension Stone,
Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces, New
or Existing. West Conshohocken: ASTM Int ernational.
Cleaning Masonry Review of the Literature,
by Grimm, Clayford T., P.E.Construction Research Center,
niversity of Texas at Arlington, 1988.
Cleaning Stone and Masonry, Clifton, James R., Editor,
AS TM Special Technical Publication 935, American
ty for Testing and Materials, 1983.
Keeping It Clean, by Grimmer, Anne E.,
.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service,
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988.
“Cleaning of Masonry Interiors of Public Buildings,” Cleaning
Stone and Masonr
y, by Roth, J.W.,
TM STP 935, 1986. “Chemical Cleaning of Historical Structures A Practical
Cleaning Stone and Masonry, by Rudder, T.H.,
TM STP 935, 1986.
“A Case Study of the Cleaning of Marble at the Schenectady,
New York, City Hall,” Cleaning Stone and Masonry,
by Waite, J.C. and R.J. Chen, ASTM STP 935, 1
“A Macrosteriogrammetric Technique for Measuring Surface
Er osion Losses on Stone,” Cleaning Stone and Masonr y,
by Winkler, E.M., ASTM STP 935, 1986.
Stain Removal Guide for Stone and Masonry, by Hueston,
rederick M., NTC Enterprises Inc.
Historic Stone & Tile Restoration Manual,
b y Hueston,
Frederick M., NTC Enterprises Inc., 1998.
Stone Maintenance Manual for Professional Cleaning
Contractors, byHuest
on, Frederick M., NTC Enterprises Inc.,
1996. Contents
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Know Your Stone . . …