
February 2, 2017


Reality of living in a tiny home

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By now you’ve seen many tiny house videos. Many of them are showing the building in progress, even more show the tiny house before anyone has moved in, in pristine condition. The few that do a video tour in a lived in home, well just like you would do before company is coming over, things are picked up, cleaned and made presentable. I don’t know about you, but I don’t live my life in a pristine condition, there are dishes in the sink, there are dirty clothes in the hamper, there are crumbs on my stove, you get the idea.

So what is the reality of living in a tiny home? Is it easier to keep clean and tidy or is it more difficult? What if you are the type of person who has lots of stuff, clutter? That is who I am, I tend to have lots of clutter, I would love to lean more toward tidiness, but it’s just not in my DNA, you should my collection of ebooks on busting clutter…

A few weeks ago I wrote about Ariel C. McGlothi’s tiny house in a cold climate, she does seem to keep a tidy home, I suspect it is almost a requirement otherwise you wouldn’t have any room to live yourself. She has created a follow up video answering some questions she received, and to show how her tiny home really looks, how she really lives. Enjoy!



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Will Obamas stay Democrats

Obamas depart Necker haven

Barack and Michelle Obama left their relaxing 10 days off-grid vacation last Thursday. They headed back to Washington and will remain there until their daughter Sasha, 14, graduates from hSidwell Friends School.

After saying goodbye to the White House, the couple had wasted no time in boarding a private jet to the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean last month. Social media was bursting with images of them posing with police and staff at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.

The Obamas then took a boat to Necker Island, where they stayed in a resort owned by the British billionaire Richard Branson. Branson’s Caribbean home is a 74-acre stretch of sand that includes a luxurious resort for up to 30 guests. Celebrities such as Kate Winslet, Mariah Carey, Robert DeNiro and even Nelson Mandela have reportedly vacationed there.

Up for rent at $80,000 a night, this billionaire’s bolt-hole has a staff of 100 to serve guests staying in the Balinese-style villas that offer panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea. The eight guest rooms and huge lounge are known to be packed with antiques from flea markets of Indonesia. There is a rooftop hot tub and the famous infinity pool, from which one can watch boats sailing close to the shore.  The Turtle beach is easy access from this point as getting to the beach no longer means tackling a steep stone staircase thanks to a speedy new zip-line.

Guests can also take part in daily feeding of the resident flamingos, lemurs, iguanas and giant tortoises during their stay.

The Obamas vacationed there with the owner Richard Branson, who recently was blessed with a grandchild. Branson took to social media about the birth and posted photos to celebrate the moment. Branson announced the good news by sharing a sweet snapshot of Sam, 31, cosying up to Isabella, 36, and Bluey.


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