SkyCastle upgrade
The SkyCastle is getting a facelift, or an upgrade, however you wish to look at it. This all started out from PB needing to repair the roof over the laundry room, it has leaked pretty much from day one, that’s one of the drawbacks of using used/recycled materials, sometimes it works great, other times, not so well.
The big round tower is actually a water tank, PB converted it into a storage closet, put a pointier roof on it and placed it on the 3rd floor deck over the laundry room. He had to break it loose and move it out of the way to replace each roof section. He pushed it over the front about 2 feet and decided he liked it there, it gave us more space on that deck area and he could make it look more castley (I know that’s not a word, but it is now LOL).
PB has worked the last few days to cover the area where we will be able to walk around the tower, I have another edited picture of what the west side will eventually look like.
I would say Photoshopped, but PB uses Paint to do his Photoshopping :) Now we will have to get PB to work on the other side of the SkyCastle, it’s starting to look lopsided……