Blustery December
Winter is officially here, we have had a few hard freezes, it even snowed a bit the other day, fortunately the snow and other weather doesn’t tend to last long out here in the high desert, I always look forward to the sun coming out and warming up into the 50s, 60s and even the 70s (F). Of course it almost always cools off as soon as the sun goes down, and going into fall, I have to remember to take a jacket with me when I go anywhere, even if it’s warm out during the day, because guaranteed once the sun goes below the mountain, the temps drop like a rock.
This week has been a bit chaotic weather wise, we have had some 70+ degree days, but they warned of a cold front coming in along with some rain, and wind. Lots and lots of wind. And wind we got, it reminded me of our first year out here, the difference is the SkyCastle is hardened against the wind now and doesn’t shake and rattle like it did. But I’ll tell you, that first year, even the first few months were a trial for us, the wind out here does try to scour you off the mountains.
I read on Facebook, an internet friend of mine near Presidio lost her chicken coop and lots of fencing, the wind just snapped it right off, I saw the pictures and it was quite a mess, but later she posted that all chickens were accounted for even though they were free range all night in the blowing wind.
We did receive some damage ourselves, it was the covered area where we like to sit in the summer, PB built a hoop style covering, in the past we used tarps on it to make shade, but the tarps only last one season (because of the wind). Last year PB replaced the tarps with metal sheathing that was scavenged from an old shed. It worked very well and made a very nice place to sit and relax.
This latest windstorm pushed the whole thing right over, it also blew a few of our lighter plastic chairs away, we will go collect them from the neighbor’s property soon. Now we are debating on moving that sitting area closer to the SkyCastle, maybe in a more sheltered place, though I do like the view where it is now. We have plenty of time to decide before next spring.
The wind is still gusting, but I’m not complaining, it’s just part of living in the wilds, and it’s true, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. :)