Tiny House Hunting review
For those of you who follow me here, you know I write a lot about tiny homes or tiny houses, I have lived in small spaces and do pretty well, when PB and I first moved to our off-grid home nearly 8 years ago, we started out in a 16X16 box on stilts, it was our everything room, the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, the office, the bedroom, the bathroom, we lived that way for quite some time before adding on the 12X12 extension that would become our bedroom. We have expanded a bit more over the years, adding a semi-enclosed deck, a walk in shower, a utility room, but by most standards, we still live in pretty tight quarters. In fact, some of the TV shows I’ve seen recently, I saw one master bedroom that was bigger than our entire home.
Each time I watch TV at a friend’s house, I am more and more glad that I don’t have TV, I really don’t miss the commercials. But back to the review, this show Tiny House Hunting, the premise of this show is a person, couple or family wants to downsize, to buy a tiny home, they are shown 3 homes within or near their budget, they pick one and that’s pretty much it.
What I like:
I like that tiny homes are becoming more mainstream, hopefully it will prompt more cities and towns to allow these tiny homes to be located within city limits without restrictions. I enjoy seeing all the different styles and sizes of tiny homes, it gives me ideas about how to better live in my small home.
What I don’t like:
The main thing I have a problem with are the budgets, I can’t imagine spending that kind of money on such a small space, while it’s definitely cheaper than buying a full on house, I just don’t see the benefit of spending that kind of money on something so small, I tend to be a DIY’er though, and doing things ourselves is always cheaper than paying someone else to do it.
The other thing that bugs me, the people looking at these tiny homes, a common comment they make is to complain about how small it is, how small the rooms are, HELLO? You are looking at TINY homes, they are supposed to be small… I also don’t consider some of these homes to be small, they may be smaller than some of the cavernous 4000 square foot home they are used to living in.
I’d give the show a solid 8 out of 10, it’s very entertaining, even if it’s just to shake my head at some of the buyers. There is very little drama, this is about the tiny homes, not a soap opera.
New episodes air on FYI on Saturdays at 8pm central. Here are some clips …