Mobile living
A few months ago, a long lost friend appeared back in my life, a friend I knew when I was an early teen but lost contact with, all these years later we reunited and picked our friendship right up where we left off. I learned that my friend lived in her van, that does not mean she is “homeless”, she lives this way by choice and actually lives a pretty interesting life. You can read about her here.
Through following her on FaceBook and making friends with her friends on there, people who also live a mobile life, I found a very interesting fellow, Bob Wells, he is an experienced, long term, successful and happy vandweller. After perusing his website, where he shares so much of his experiences to help other people live this life, I had to share him with you. I am so very impressed with him, turns out I’m not the only one impressed with him, he is in a documentary about people who gave up a permanent stick built home, who have gone off the grid, on the road, who travel where they wish, when they wish, the freedom these folk enjoy is beyond words.…