
November 5, 2014

Hawaii Electric takes control of Oahu solar panels

A Hawaiian Electricity Company is putting up huge obstacles to individuals who want solar panels on their roofs, driving many of them to go completely off-grid.

The company says it has a plan to interconnect thousands of rooftop solar energy systems on Oahu by December 2015. But that has been put on hold because of safety and reliability issues.

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Buying your own land

Buying land, it’s something you will be doing if you want to homestead or go off-grid on your own. Personally I wouldn’t want to “go in” with other people, there are just to many potential issues with sharing property. I also understand that different people have different ideas on how they want to live, either way these videos have some great advice on buying your own land. I enjoy watching what LaMar Alexander has to say about living off-grid and getting your own property. The great thing is LaMar actually LIVES the life, he speaks with authority and from experience.

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