September 21, 2014


Picking the wrong plant

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Since having such a wet rainy season, as compared to the previous several rainy seasons, I have seen many more species of wild plants growing, specifically wildflowers. Normally I’m not interested in growing flowers, I don’t want just a pretty face, I generally require any plants I plant and tend to do something useful for me, it needs to be edible and/or medicinal…

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Greedy power companies in Queensland

By David French – journalist on the Queensland Times (a greedy newspaper)

RATHER than embracing change, the owner-custodians of Queensland’s power industry have treated it as a cash cow. They have milked the assets for cash, failing to invest in generation, and over-investing in distribution. Those lurks ended, now they are going to hive off the poles and the wires.

At the same time the overall industry has been the domain of engineers and unions, none which (generally and sadly) is particularly well versed in understanding the characteristics of markets.

Let me help all participants with a few facts:

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