April 24, 2014

community politics, how to live off-grid, living off-grid, off-grid living

A tale of two smallholdings

The contrasting fortunes of two British smallholdings are a useful guide on how to succeed, and what NOT to do, if you are planning to grow your own food.

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Forage food, free food, cheap eats, vegan forager

Top 10 wild foods to forage in spring

Roger Phillips, author of a new book on foraging, shares his top 10 springtime finds and throws in four recipes that combine them to best effect for your springtime dinner parties.

1. Sea beet (Beta vulgaris)

The parent of Swiss chard and beetroot, this is common on pebbly beaches just above the tide line. Perfect in soups or as a vegetable in place of spinach.

2. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Sprinkle on salads and eat raw

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