Fight them or Feed them
A long thread on City-data Forum has a number of individuals discussing their attitude towards looting in the event of a general social collapse or weather crisis.
One said he would without a doubt be a Looter because he was not in a position to prepare for possible crisis.
“I’m not going to lie. My preparedness is almost nonexistant at this stage. I would label myself a “well planned looter”. I have maps and plans on how to take the things I need from various places in local areas, but financial means keep me from stocking up on much of anything I would need for any bad situation.
In my neck of the woods and with my mindset, the situations I want to prep for the most are Civil Unrest, a Meltdown from a “nearby” Nuclear Reactor, and Martial Law/Hostile Military Presence.”
Another contributor replied that people who did not prepare would not survive – either they would starve, or be killed – and the author seemed quite ready to do the killing:-